Boubakar SAVADOGO. Richard WALTHER. Training and professional integration costing
2 % of young Population (less than 25 years) % of completion for primary school Literacy rate enrolment rate in secondary education Enrolment rate in TVET Part of TVET in national education budget Benin 55 – 65% % % for adults ( years) and % for young ( years) %2 - 8%3 - 10% Burkina Faso Côte d'Ivoire Guinée Bissau Mali Niger Sénégal Togo
Governments want to expand the rate of access to TVET from 10% to 50% in the next 5 or 10 years
How much these ambitious reforms will cost ? How to finance these ambitious reforms? What cost do we calculate ? Cost of the training ? Cost of the training mechanisms ? Cost of the training and the training institutions ? Cost of the global training system and the first professional integration ?
To Link efficiency and effectiveness Consider all costs: investment costs and operating costs Investment costs must take into account the investigation and innovation costs of the system Original assumption
Methodology Data collected are classified into – Operating costs – Physical (hardware) investment costs – Software ( Research – development and innovation) investment costs – Facilitation of first Professional integration costs Data collected are classified into – Operating costs – Physical (hardware) investment costs – Software ( Research – development and innovation) investment costs – Facilitation of first Professional integration costs
Parameters of Operating costs Staff salaries ; Social expendures ; Stored expendable (training input) ; Non stored expendable (electricity, water, etc.) ; Communication costs ; Cost of Maintenance and repair of installatation and equipement
Parameters of physical investment costs Infrastructure (depreciation/amortisation, new investment) ; Equipement (depreciation/amortisation, new investment) ; Rolling stock (depreciation/amortisation, new investment)
Parameters of R§D investment Costs of curriculum and training materials development ; Costs of Training of trainers and other members of staff ; Costs of Research – development and innovation of the global system
Parameters of facilitation of first professional integration Costs of tracking graduates ; costs of workshops or seminar with employers; Costs of complementary courses Cost of business plan Cost of grants program to – buy equipement for starting small enterprise – Allow Credit access – Pay employer’s taxes Etc.
COSTS IN SOME COUNTRIES BT FoRes BTS FoRes with BAC BTS FoRes without BAC Average cost per unit CBCG Cocody TRANSIT Accounting Business management SECRETARIAT Tourism and hotels Cote d’ivoire (€) cost in the training center