The Future of Antibiotics in Pork Production NPB – Swine Education In-Service Terry Fleck October 2, 2013
Earning and Maintaining the Social License (Sapp/CMA) Confidence Influential Others Competence Value Similarity Social License Trust Freedom to Operate Trust research was published in December, 2009 – Journal of Rural Sociology
Sustainable Systems Ethically Grounded Economically Viable Scientifically Verified Ethically Grounded Compassion Responsibility Respect Fairness Truth Value Similarity Scientifically Verified Data Driven Repeatable Measurable Specific Objectivity Economically Viable ROI Demand Cost Control Productivity Efficiency Profitability Knowledge Feelings Belief Sustainable Balance
It is about helping them understand that today’s food is better aligned with their values and beliefs than perhaps they thought. Strategic Approach Using Values Based Approach is not about trying to get someone to change their values and beliefs about today’s food.
What is the State of Trust with Today’s Consumer?
© 2013 Center for Food Integrity Cultivate a Better World
8 Top Challenges - Retailers Food Safety issues –Antibiotics –GMOs –Public understanding of technology –Expanded STEC testing requirements “We need as much information as possible not only on how the animals are raised but also how what they eat is grown and raised.” “Animal welfare, hormones and antibiotics are increasingly concerns of customers and activists, and are reflected in legislative discussions.”
9 How concerned are you about the safety of food coming from animals treated with antibiotics: 0 = Not at all concerned 10 = Very concerned
10 Impact of antibiotic use on your company/brand? “We believe that in general the FDA approves appropriate drugs for appropriate uses. However, the general public, including our guests, do not understand proper use of antibiotics. If given the choice, I believe they would select antibiotic free products if the price was the same.” “Now that FDA has announced a voluntary program calling on producers to use antibiotics to treat sick animals only, we need to understand from our suppliers the impact this may have on our business.” “I’m not at all concerned about antibiotics because I know the processes we have in place ensures they are not in our product. But our customers are extremely concerned so we have to be too.”
Antibiotic Use in Food Production
12 Concern for Antibiotic Use in Milk Production Just Over Half had High Concern in Milk Production (top box 58%) Just Over One-third Decreased Personal Consumption (37%) (ave. % decrease in consumption 50%) Just Under One-third Decreased Family’s Consumption (29%) (ave. % decrease in consumption 48%) One out of three believe antibiotics are less effective in humans because of their use in milk production (33%)
13 Concern for Antibiotic Use in Meat Production Just Over Half had High Concern in Meat Production (top box 57%) Just Under Half Decreased Personal Consumption (46%) (ave. % decrease in consumption 44%) Just Under Half Decreased Family’s Consumption (41%) (ave. % decrease in consumption 43%) One out of three believe antibiotics are less effective in humans because of their use in meat production (34%)
14 Concern for Antibiotic Use in Egg Production Just Over Half had High Concern in Egg Production (top box 57%) One-third Decreased Personal Consumption (34%) (ave. % decrease in consumption 45%) About One-fourth Decreased Family’s Consumption (28%) (ave. % decrease in consumption 42%) About one out of three believe antibiotics are less effective in humans because of their use in egg production (30%)
15 Additional Beliefs About Antibiotic Effectiveness Half believe antibiotics are less effective in humans because they have been over- prescribed by physicians (51%) Among highly concerned, half say it has impacted their decision to seek an Rx (49%) One-third believe antibiotics are less effective in humans because of their use in livestock (34%)
16 Top Expert Sources for Antibiotic Use in Animals that Produce Food Top Expert Sources Early Adopters 1.CDC 2.USDA 3.FDA 4.University experts 5.Web sites specific to antibiotic use in food production 1.CDC 2.USDA 3.FDA 4.University experts 5.Web sites specific to antibiotic use in food production
17 Expert Information Sources for Learning About Antibiotic Use in Animals that Produce Food Q13f. Please rate the level of expertise of the following information sources for learning about ANTIBIOTICS USE IN ANIMALS THAT PRODUCE FOOD. Please use the scale provided.
18 Expert Information Sources for Learning About Antibiotic Use in Animals that Produce Food (Continued) Q13f. Please rate the level of expertise of the following information sources for learning about ANTIBIOTICS USE IN ANIMALS THAT PRODUCE FOOD. Please use the scale provided.
19 Expert Information Sources for Learning About Antibiotic Use in Animals that Produce Food (Continued) Q13f. Please rate the level of expertise of the following information sources for learning about ANTIBIOTICS USE IN ANIMALS THAT PRODUCE FOOD. Please use the scale provided.
20 Strategy for Promoting Benefits of Antibiotic Use in Meat-Producing Animals Collectivists Fatalists Most Prevalent Values Orientations Best Antibiotic Use Messages to Increase Confidence Reaches Over Half of Consumers Influences Early Adopters, Collectivists and Fatalists Rigorous Testing by FDA Reaches Over Half of Consumers Influences Early Adopters, Collectivists and Fatalists FDA Determines Safe to Treat Ill Animals Reaches Over Half of Consumers Influences Early Adopters, Collectivists and Fatalists FDA Determines Safe to Protect Animals Reaches Over Half of Consumers Influences Early Adopters, Collectivists and Fatalists Scientists Agree Resistance from Human Antibiotics Reaches Over Half of Consumers Influences Early Adopters, Collectivists and Fatalists Strict Withdrawal Periods Followed Best Sources of Info Best Sources of Info Friends and Family Web Sites Local TV News
21 Key Learning’s
22 Future of antibiotic use? That depends… Yes, growing concern but good reasoning on their use –Treatment of sick animals –Assure food safety – decrease risk of disease –Contribution to consumer risk factors – minimal, but must answer benefit Key consumer question is over-usage/managed usage –No social support for use in productivity gains
23 Future of antibiotic use? That depends… Engage the public’s questions… –Why are they used – food safety; animal well-being; protect public health –Must demonstrate clear benefit to society; the environment; animals Must manage usage –Responsible/judicious use –Veterinary supervision –Regulations on residue limits
24 Call to Action Embrace an integrated approach to building trust –Engage channel partners –Recognize the need for meaningful dialogue about issues that impact brands and sales –Identify and develop stakeholder specific strategies Increase transparency –It is no longer optional, how you are is who you are! –Only question is who is going to manage the process? Increase interaction –Not just proactive and reactive. We must be consistently interactive
The Future of Antibiotics in Pork Production NPB – Swine Education In-Service Terry Fleck October 2, 2013