What are the differences between fiction and nonfiction?
Types of Nonfiction Autobiography Biography Memoir Diary Letter Essay Speech Travelogue News Article
Narrative Nonfiction Nonfiction that tells a story Autobiography – 1 st person account of self and events in life Biography – 3 rd person account of someone else’s life Memoir – 1 st person account of an event ins someone’s life or in history Narrative essay – 1 st or 3 rd person telling of a real story
Informative Nonfiction Essays Speeches Letters News Articles Differences between narrative and informative nonfiction is not always clear
Steps to Analyzing Nonfiction 1) Identify type 2) Identify purpose 3) Analyze elements
Step 1: Identify Type Look at title and skim 1 st few paragraphs Consider the format and style
Step 2: Identify Purpose What is the author trying to achieve? Common purposes: –Inform –Describe –Entertain –Persuade Author’s purpose is influenced by time period and culture.
Step 3: Analyze Elements Analyze to understand and enjoy –Narrative Nonfiction Elements of fiction Figurative language –Informative Nonfiction: Thesis and supporting details Rhetorical strategies Many authors combine various elements and purposes into one work