F reedom T rek ‘04
I ntroduction D r. J im Cain Superintendent of Schools
Key Note Speaker Ms. Vy Tran Presented by Dr. Jim Cain
Vy Tran Vy Tran is a graduate of Klein Forest High School and the University of Texas. She teaches second grade at McDougle Elementary School where she makes a difference for students.
Freedom Trek ‘05
Student Writing Competition Awards Presented by Education Foundation Directors
Elementary Student Composition Winners Introduced by Anne Vallette, Managing Director, Klein Education Foundation
Kelsie Utz – Krahn Elementary Brittney Kearley – Lemm Elementary Kara Hurley – Schultz Elementary
William Conchas – Kaiser Elementary Noemí Rodríguez – Nitsch Elementary Robert Adrian Farias – McDougle Elementary
Ke `Andra Levingston– Kuehnle Elementary Ashley Beckett – McDougle Elementary Joseph Do – Klenk Elementary
Mariana Pérez– Eiland Elementary Oswaldo Reyes – Kaiser Elementary Jessica Meléndez– Eiland Elementary
Secondary Student Composition Winners Introduced by Randy Kirk Principal, Klein Collins High School
Samantha Neal– Klein Intermediate Trang Dang – Klein Intermediate Anita Chaphekar – Wunderlich Intermediate
Abby Brown– Klein Oak High Venetia Lazaratou – Klein Collins High Jennifer Schmitt– Klein High
Erin Toolan - Klein Forest High Casey Grier - Klein Collins High Esin Saribudak – Klein High
Joffery Jones Freedom Trek, Host Chair
In Cultural Performance Presentations In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Redefinition Klein Collins High School
Jazz Ensemble Klein Forest High School
Friend of Freedom Awards Presented by Klein ISD Board of Trustees
A. K. “Buddy” Brown has impacted students through his dedicated service as a member of the board for the Klein Education Foundation. He has chaired the foundation’s golf tournaments that have raised significant funds for teaching grants throughout the district. Representing Klein High School Cluster Schools
Greta Spring volunteers at Mittelstädt Elementary School as a teacher of the English language for parents who are learning a second language. Through her consistent volunteering each week, she makes a meaningful difference for children and adults. Representing Klein High School Cluster Schools
Lillian Ficarra Reitz has embraced the Even Start program at Kaiser Elementary School. With support from her employer, Barnes and Noble, she has provided storytelling activities and books for the Even Start children and their siblings to create a love for reading. Representing Klein Forest Cluster Schools o
Kenneth R. Washington and his organization, Inwood North Community Outreach Program, have provided tutoring and mentoring for at-risk students at Nitsch Elementary School for the past three years. These faithful volunteers are outstanding examples of community support for students. Representing Klein Forest Cluster Schools
Dan & Marie Benditz, together, have a commitment to students of the KISD. As founding directors in the KISD Education Foundation, they have worked to provide for innovative teaching. The Benditz volunteer at schools and support programs such as the FFA. Representing Klein Oak Cluster Schools
Jane Goings, a volunteer at Schultz Elementary School, is a faithful tutor for at-risk and limited English speaking students. This retired HISD educator exudes a positive spirit and creates a rewarding learning time for the students she assists. Representing Klein Oak Cluster Schools
Klein High Cluster Schools Dr. Stephen Bland Presenting Margaret Owens, through her commitment to students and art enrichment, has been instrumental in the creation of art mini-museums that provide all elementary students the opportunity to participate in simulated museum visits. As a volunteer at Haude Elementary, she works on unique art projects with students. Representing Klein Collins Cluster Schools
Edie Sloan, the president of the Parent Teacher Organization of Roth Elementary School, excels as a volunteer because she unifies the parents of her school into a caring community of support for children. Representing Klein Collins Cluster Schools
Sponsor – Bonnie Jacobi L.S. Spencer Freedom Trek, Program Chair
Nitsch Elementary Choir Directors, Carolyn Moss, Catherine Dudley
Parade of Cultures
Freedom Trek Exhibits
Freedom Trek Exhibits
Freedom Trek Exhibits
Freedom Trek Exhibits
Freedom Trek Exhibits
Freedom Trek Exhibits
Freedom Trek Exhibits
Freedom Trek Exhibits
Freedom Trek Exhibits
Freedom Trek Exhibits
Freedom Trek Kreinhop Elementary Mexican Dance
Freedom Trek Strack Intermediate African Dance
Freedom Trek Klein High/Klein Oak High Chicken Dance
Freedom Trek Eiland Elementary Dolphin Dancers and Choir
Freedom Trek Strack Intermediate French Song
Freedom Trek Strack Intermediate Persian Dance
Freedom Trek Wunderlich Intermediate Philippine Folklore Dance
Freedom Trek Schindewolf Intermediate Step Dance Group
Freedom Trek Wunderlich Intermediate Hispanic Dance
Freedom Trek Wunderlich Intermediate Vietnamese Ribbon Dance
Freedom Trek Klein Forest High Dragon Dancers
Freedom Trek Klein Forest High Ballet Folklorico
Freedom Trek Klein Collins High International Students
Freedom Trek Wunderlich Intermediate African American Zydeco
Freedom Trek Klein Forest High Praise Dancers
Freedom Trek Klein Forest High Indian Dance
Freedom Trek Food Vendors
Freedom Trek Food Vendors
Freedom Trek Food Vendors