A true story written about one's self. It can be embellished.
Only several seconds to a few minutes of time passes from the beginning of the story to the end of the story. Think of slow motion.
First Person
The speaker
The second part of the narrative prompt will ask something like: "why or how it was meaningful to me" or "what did I learn from it" etc. The extension be woven throughout my story or expressed in the ending. The extension can be stated or implied (higher level).
Details added to the story that describe taste, touch, see, smell, and hear. Ex. The blue waves crashed on the shiny, jagged rock.
Language that cannot be taken literally since it was written to create a special effect or feeling. Onomatopoeia Hyperbole Simile Metaphor Oxymoron Idiom Imagery
Action words that create a picture in the reader's mind.
Past tense It's a story that has already happened.
Plot Diagram (roller coaster or magic mountain)