Page 1 Sapphire Fab condition Room temp 21~25 ℃ ; △≦ ±1 ℃ /h Humidity have to below: 80% Cooling system confirmed the first lay-out 12 tools assy main piping stainless ; sub-piping stainless Inlet 26~30 ℃ ;outlet 32~36 ℃ ; △ T =~ 6 ℃ (max=40 ℃ ) Flow rate = 10m3/h; 3.5 bar Power system confirmed the first lay-out 12 tools assy for local power cabinet 3 tools for one group and AVR is need Power cable tray is need Layout status stilling on going To split management and engineering office Labby and show room lay-out Fab entrance room lay-out Fab window glass is need 3 rooms for CEO/GM/VP Facility FDMS facility design management system final confirming Air condition Broken repair one tool; PM one tool and total max capacity is 300T
Page 2 Sapphire 1. 原則上以能控制恆溫恆濕且無持續微塵污染源即可。 2. 潔淨室溫度設計<製程冷卻水。至少 1 ℃以上為避免冷凝水損害機台。 3. 溫度設計實例 : 濕度需低於 80% ,△≦ ±1%/h 。 4. 單一機台供電 :3P4W380V(+3-1%)60Hz 需建置穩壓系統; R_Gnd ≦ 4Ω 獨立接地 。 5. 規劃 12 台設置容量, 8/E 兩台, 9/E 三台,含二次側。 6. 單一機台用電 :280/280/20A; max=90kw; avg=75kw 。 ( 需三台一組已達相位平衡 ) 7. 每台機台約有 15kw 的能量散失 ( 變壓器 ) ,需要考量潔淨室空調或加裝 exhaust 排風。 8. 製程冷卻水單一流量 10 m3/h(167LPM) inlet:26~29 ℃ ( △≦ ±1/h; △ T=6 ℃ ) 9.Gas system: Ar purity: 99.99% centre supply( 鋼瓶供氣 ) 。 10.exhaust system: 一般排。 潔淨室條件 vs 機台主要需求 Grower (outlet water < 40 ℃ ) water flow/h inlet water outlet eater room temp 10m ℃ 5m ℃ 3.5m ℃ 10m ℃ 5m ℃
Page 3 Sapphire by pass line Design Concept of Cooling Water System Tank 2 10 tones Chiller -20cm tilt - 5cm distance between growers -Valve close 2.6 bar -Valve open 1.5 bar -One production line have 12 tools Tank 1 20 tones EMO CT in Pump Need UPS 10m^3/hour Heat Exchanger Pump at least 50cm lower than pipe At least 4m higher than growers △ ≦ ±1 ℃ /h; △ T=6 ℃ -Pipes and Tanks must be made of stainless steel or plastic that capable to withstand 4~6 bars and temperature up to 100 centigrade. -Cooling water have to higher than room temp 1 ℃ -ΔT≤+-1 ℃ /h -Add filter is need -Max temp below 40 ℃ S1 2.6bar 35 ℃ S2 2.6bar 30 ℃ S4 1.2bar 33 ℃ S3 1.3bar 28 ℃ by pass line Manual valve control pressure 4 bar To city Water exhaust 1.HH/LL sensor 2.Leak sensor 3.Over flow design Funnel 10 line 冰機冷卻水 製程冷卻水 1.HH/LL sensor 2.Leak sensor 3.Over flow design Funnel 10 line CT refill DI refill EMO CT out
Page 4 Sapphire 1.15s mean to next 15s mean vibration ≦ 1 mv 2.Max vibration in 15s < 4 mv 3.Gnd < 4 Ω 4.8~10 V must stable and control limit < 1mv 5.Water out have to less then 40 ℃ else water vapper 6.12 set Grower power : 12*90=1080 kw 7.Chiller = Take out thermal energy = 1080*1.25=1350 kw 8.A group for 3 tools 9.3P4W400~420Vac(min376V) Design Concept of Power System Heater thyristor 380V AC Spec: 415~376V 380V AC Spec: 0~380V 376V AC Spec: 0~376V 12V AC Spec: 0~12V 10V AC Spec: 0~10V Grower controller 3P; 4w 380V 穩壓器 Grower 1 Grower 2 Grower 3 R_Gnd ≦ 4Ω; 機台需獨立接地
Page 5 Sapphire 1.Inside grower max power 75kw 2.Outside grower 15kw lost by WATT power meter 3.Cooling water by manual measurement by weight is 9.9 m3/h 4.Total power= 75kwX3600s=270x10E6 (J) 5.Total bring out thermal energy by cooling water is C x weight x △ T=4200x6x9900=249x10E6 (J) 6.12 set tool =249x10E6x12set=2988x10E6(J)= x10E6 (cal)(1J=0.24cal) 7.Total water cooling by grower= USRT(1USRT=3024kcal) 8.Total air condition cooling by grower= 15kwx3600x12=648x10E6(J) = x10E3 9. Suitable condition by Conclusion: Grower (outlet water < 40 ℃ ) water flow/h inlet water outlet eater room temp 10m ℃ 5m ℃ 3.5m ℃ 10m ℃ 5m ℃ Grower (outlet water < 40 ℃ ) water flow/h inlet water outlet eater room temp 10m ℃ 5m ℃ 3.5m ℃ 10m ℃ 5m ℃