LITERARY ELEMENTS The Visual Exploration
LITERARY ELEMENTS REVIEW Plot Character Setting Motif Style Theme
PLOT MOUNTAIN The story or tale with common components such as: Introduction Foreshadowing Conflict Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution See if you can track the action in this clip: s7HwUYlaXDbnSFlGp s7HwUYlaXDbnSFlGp
CHARACTER Traits: Physical Description, Action, Thoughts, Words Flat Character vs. Round Character Point of View (First vs. Third) Symbol: An object or something material that represents something else Symbolism: In this clip from Spiderman 2, notice the Character symbolism at the end of the scene when the crown passes him through the subway car. What does Spidey represent here? U U
SETTING The physical world The time in which the action takes place The social environment (manners, customs, and moral values) When setting reveals character? The setting may help us to understand a characters motives and behaviors. This one is a “no brainer” to see how setting affects everything:
MOTIF Recurring Object, Concept, or Structure in a work of art Different from a Symbol that may only show up once. Bats in Batman are a symbol and a motif. The symbolism is pretty obvious; he only comes out at night, he likes caves, etc. As a motif, showing bats periodically remind us of Batman’s brooding, dark nature. Unlike the Symbolism of the object in the title of the movie, the Motif in The Notebook isn’t necessarily a physical notebook, so it’s theme of everlasting love is enhanced by different motifs… see if you can spot them in this scene. Play Video from “The Notebook” 1ck8 1ck8
STYLE The way the author uses words to establish mood, tone, imagery, and meaning. Word choice Sentence structure Figurative language (simile, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, puns) Sentence arrangement Notice the editing, rain, music, and attitude of Zuckerberg, all creating David Fincher’s sense of drama in this scene from “The Social Network.” N0 N0
THEME Theme is NOT the subject or topic of a literary work but rather what does the literature SAY about that topic. Example. This play is about love. It’s theme is that love can be all powerful, all consuming, and despite all odds, love will win out, even if it has to transcend death. XHL8hY XHL8hY