Jeopardy Section 1: Introduction and Scientific Method
Round 1 LanguageDefinitions Scientific Method Metric System Measurements
Language This is the first half of a word.
Answer: What is a prefix.
Language This language is where many roots for scientific words come from.
Answer: What is: » Latin » Greek
Language This root has the meaning “the study of”
Answer: What is “ology”
Language This root has the meaning “cells” or “parts of cells”.
Answer: What is “cyto”
Language This is our definition of science.
Answer: Careful exploration of our natural world to gain knowledge. Answers may vary.
Definitions – 100 This is anything that may influence the outcome of an experiment.
Answer: What is a variable.
Definitions This word translates to “Blood-like”
Answer: What is Hemophilia
Definitions This word translates to “jointed-foot”
Answer: What is “arthropod”
Definitions This is the measured distance between two points.
Answer What is Length
Definitions This is the real or true value of a measurement.
Answer: What is the accepted value.
Scientific Method This is the name of the scientific approach to asking questions and arriving at answers.
Answer: What is the Scientific Method
Scientific Method This is the step in the Scientific Method between asking a question and making a hypothesis.
Answer: What is: – Research – Observation – Searching for knowledge
Scientific Method This is the step done after a conclusion is made.
Answer: What is Repeat
Scientific Method This is what a conclusion is made about.
Answer: What is the hypothesis
Scientific Method This is the terminology used to describe a hypothesis when making a conclusion. (Must include both positive and negative descriptions).
Answer: What is: – Accepted/Supported – Rejected
Metric System The powers of ten and decimals are used in this measuring system.
Answer: What is the Metric System
Metric System In this system of measurement the common unit for measuring length is “the foot”.
Answer: What is the English System
Metric System This measurement is the amount of matter contained within an object.
Answer: What is mass
Metric System This is the base unit for length
Answer: What is a meter
Metric System In the Metric System this prefix for a measurement means 1,000 times the base unit.
Answer: What is “kilo”
Measurements This is the base unit for mass
Answer: What is a gram.
Measurements This prefix is used to describe 100 parts of the whole, or dividing the base unit into 100 equal parts.
Answer: What is “centi”
Measurements – 300 This measurement is calculated by dividing mass by volume.
Answer: What is Density
Measurements This tool is used to measure the average kinetic energy of objects.
Answer: What is a thermometer
Measurements This process is used to measure the volume of irregular solids.
Answer: What is displacement
Round 2 ToolsLength/Volume Mass/Temp /Density Variables
Tools This tool is used to measure mass of objects.
Answer: What is a scale or balance
Tools This tool is used to measure volumes of liquid
Answer: What is: – Graduated cylinder – Beaker – Flask
Tools The volume of a cube may be calculated using this formula and a ruler.
Answer: What is “s 3”
Tools This is one thing done wrong:
Answer: What is: – Not careful – Read cylinder improperly – Used English System
Tools This is the density of a rock that has a mass of 4g and a volume of 0.5g.
Answer: What is 8g/cm 3
Length/Volume This is the amount of space occupied by an object.
Answer: What is volume
Length/Volume -200 This is the base unit used to measure liquid volumes
Answer: What is Liter
Length/Volume This volume is often called “c.c.”
Answer: What is a cubic centimeter
Length/Volume This volume is equivalent to 1 cubic centimeter
Answer: What is 1mL
Length/Volume This is the number of yards in 1 mile.
Answer: What is 1760.
Mass/Temperature/Density This is the unit for liquid density
Answer: What is g/mL
Mass/Temperature/Density This describes how tightly packed the particles of an object are.
Answer: What is Density
Mass/Temperature/Density This is a measure of the average kinetic energy of an object.
Answer: What is Temperature
Mass/Temperature/Density This is the boiling temperature of water in °F
Answer: What is 212°F
Mass/Temperature/Density This is the freezing point of water in Kelvin
Answer: What is 273K
Variables This variable is the one that is measured in an experiment.
Answer: What is the dependant variable
Variables This variable is manipulated by the scientist and changed in each experimental set-up.
Answer: What is independent variable
Variables These are all the independent variables not being manipulated, and set at a standard value for every experiment.
Answer: What are control variables
Variables This variable is plotted on the x-axis of a graph
Answer: What is the independent variable
Variables This is a replica of the experiment in which the independent variable is left out.
Answer: What is a control experiment