Constraints Constraints are used to enforce rules at table level. Constraints prevent the deletion of a table if there is dependencies. The following constraints types are valid in : Not Null Default Unique Primary key Foreign key
Constraints (Example) CREATE TABLE student( IDNumber(8), NameVarchar2(15), GPA Number(3,2), MajorVarchar2(5) Not Null, DOBDate, PRIMARY KEY (ID), UNIQUE (Name) );
Adding Constraints Table Level Using ALTER Table command Syntax: ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINTS
Dropping Constraints To drop a constraint we use ALTER table command Ex. ALTER TABLE student DROP constraint GPA_ck;
Insert In the Tables Syntax INSERT INTO [(column[,column,..])] values (‘…’,’ …’, …. ); Only one row is inserted at a time with this syntax.
Updating Rows ’ Values Syntax: UPDATE SET = value [,column=value, …] [WHRER condition];
Delete Syntax: DELETE FROM [WHERE condition];
Basic Queries in SQL SQL has one basic statement for retrieving information from a database The Select Statement
The basic form of select statement is formed of three clauses SELECT, FROM and WHERE SELECT FROM WHERE ; The SELECT-FROM-WHERE structure
SQL Statement is a list of attribute names whose values are to be retrieved by the query. is a list of the relation (table) names required to process the query. is a conditional (Boolean) expression that identifies the records to be retrieved by the query.