Preparing an IT Workforce for the Future Bev Motich, NAVSISA Kelly Lewis, TechQuest Pennsylvania June 16, 2008
2 Session Outline +Panel Introductions +Today’s Employment Landscape +Recruiting Strategy +NAVSUP Programs +Technology Council Initiatives -Workforce Training -e-Learning -TechQuest Internship Program +Testimonial
3 Today’s Employment Landscape +Unemployment rate is still low +Demand for employees is high +Challenges facing employers -Shrinking supply of talent -“Brain drain” -Retirement +Solutions -Student Career Experience Program -Workforce Training -e-Learning -TechQuest Internship Program
4 Recruiting Strategy +Establish Enterprise Approach -Maximize skills, experience, and culture of an integrated workforce -Recruit Locally…Place Globally -Create a “Recruiting Culture”…everyone is a recruiter +Workforce Planning… -Mission … “ Combat Capability Through Logistics” -Competency Alignment with the Mission -Gap Analysis +Implementing the Plan -Build enterprise-focused cadre of recruiters -Provide training and tools -Strategic Communications Plan…creating a brand and a message -Annual Recruiters Conference and monthly forums
5 NAVSUP Student Career Experience Program +Starts as college student (GS- 3 or 4) +Non-competitive conversion to permanent position upon graduation (GS- 5 or 7 target GS-11) +Excepted appointment -Very easy to recruit and hire (no formal applications or certificate of candidates from HRSC) +Potentially high retention of locally hired college graduates
6 SCEP Specifics +Recruit directly from local colleges & universities +Students must complete a minimum of 640 work hours in program – part time, flexible schedules +May convert to career-conditional appointment within 120 days after completion of degree requirements +No obligation to convert (due to performance, funding, ceiling, etc.) +Infusing Navy with rich new source of talent +Building skillsets for the post-ERP era
7 SCEP Strengths +Introduce new skills and innovative approaches +Accommodate varying ages, schedules, lifestyles -Traditional students -Continuing education -Changing careers +Retention of trained young people
8 SCEP Challenges +Security restrictions -NMCI workstation deployment/CAC cards +Difficult to provide meaningful internship on a part time basis +Loss of investment if intern leaves
9 SCEP Lessons Learned +Gen X and Millennials want work/home balance -Flexible schedules very appealing +Bonding increases likelihood of staying -Develop YGL networking group, activities, SCEP Conference +Tuition reimbursement is a selling point -Benefit has been extended to undergraduates working 32 hours/week
10 TechQuestPA Workforce Training Overview +Free to join +Funded in part by grants from PA Dept of Labor and Industry +Over 250 partner organizations +Collaborate with industry consortiums +Customized to meet member needs +Training for all levels of workforce -Entry-level to Executive IT strategy
Success training sessions -Over $900,000 in training delivered -Greater than a 2.5x leverage on Grant Funds +Goals for Over $1.2 million in training -Continue increasing Sustainability +Close cooperation with training organizations +Increased use of e-Learning TechQuestPA Workforce Training Results
12 TechQuestPA e-Learning Overview +Found on -Find free courses on-line +Curriculum-based training +Complete learning management system +Built on leading edge technology platform +Superior cost efficiency
13 +Success in Over $5,000 of low cost, curriculum-based trainings delivered -Complete TechQuest Essentials curriculum +12 months for $49 +Industry partners received additional 30% off +Goals for $55,000 of cost effective e-Learning in e-Learning system for Boys & Girls Club of PA TechQuestPA e-Learning Results
14 TechQuest Internship Program Overview +Full-service model -We attract and maintain 1,000+ students in our web-based system -Leverage student database to find best-qualified students -Coordinate interviews between company and students -All employer issues shifted to TechQuest. +Advantages -One-stop shop (entire process can be done on-line) + -Broad venue to find and secure qualified candidates +Access to talent across the region, the state, and even across the entire country +Access to students with every type of career background -No payroll burden (taxes, insurance, unemployment) - Lowest cost in the Industry.
15 TechQuest Internship Program Results +Success -90 interns placed at 23 companies, paying students more than $400, in interns currently on assignment -Improved transition rate from internship to full-time employment +Many interns are now working full-time with companies -Assignments across the entire employment spectrum +Marketing to Electronics to IT to Engineering to Biotechnology -Filling positions across the state Goals -Pay students over $500,000 in Double placements to date -Get 25 more companies using the TechQuest Internship system -Provide training, tools and outreach to our 1,000+ students on the bench
16 TechQuest On-Line Demonstration
17 Joining TechQuest PA +Contact Kelly Lewis +President and CEO +Technology Council of Central Pennsylvania +Phone: Get Connected at:
18 Connecting with NAVSISA +Bev Motich +Director +NAVSISA Administrative Support Division
19 Open Panel Discussion