NEES 2012 Earthquake Engineering Workshop WELCOME! Stanford University State University of New York, Buffalo University of New Hampshire California State.


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Presentation transcript:

NEES 2012 Earthquake Engineering Workshop WELCOME! Stanford University State University of New York, Buffalo University of New Hampshire California State University, Sacramento NEES

INTRODUCTIONS Vandalist KithUndergraduate Research Assistant Sacramento State Nelson TejadaUndergraduate Research Assistant Sacramento State Nathan CanneyPhD Student University of Colorado, Boulder

NEES Workshop Format Morning: Learn earthquake engineering concepts Build structures Afternoon: Test structures Learn advanced earthquake engineering concepts Interactive group work for most of the activities Stay involved! Ask lots of questions if you don’t understand! Be prepared to be asked questions (all engineers are asked tough questions)

2012 Earthquake Engineering Workshop XXXX Stanford University State University of New York, Buffalo University of New Hampshire California State University, Sacramento NEES Group 1

2012 Earthquake Engineering Workshop XXXX Stanford University State University of New York, Buffalo University of New Hampshire California State University, Sacramento NEES Group 2

2012 Earthquake Engineering Workshop XXXX Stanford University State University of New York, Buffalo University of New Hampshire California State University, Sacramento NEES Group 3

2012 Earthquake Engineering Workshop XXXX Stanford University State University of New York, Buffalo University of New Hampshire California State University, Sacramento NEES Group 4

2012 Earthquake Engineering Workshop XXXX Stanford University State University of New York, Buffalo University of New Hampshire California State University, Sacramento NEES Group 5

NEES In your groups: Find one thing everybody has in common in the group… Report back in 5 minutes Group Activity!!

NEES Before we start shaking our buildings, let’s make sure they can stand up under a load: Group Activity!! 15 minutes Using paper and masking tape, build the strongest structure you can. The paper structure must be at least 6 inches tall and it will be loaded with books Be creative!!

NEES Why is it important? We seek to understand what happens to structures during earthquakes (so we can better design them for the next earthquake) Earthquake Engineering Example 1 Example 2

NEES Civil GeotechnicalEnvironmentalStructuralTransportationWater Resources Earthquake Engineering MechanicalChemicalElectricalComputer

NEES We first need to understand the EARTH: Why does the crust move? 25 miles deep COLD!!! HOT!!! Understanding Earthquakes

NEES Earthquake Locations ??? Plate ??? Plate ??? Plate ??? Plate ??? Plate ??? Plate Tectonic Plates = “Pieces of the Crust”

NEES Activity #2: Name the continental plates on the map 5 minutes!!

NEES Pacific Plate Antarctic Plate America Plate Africa Plate Eurasia Plate Australia Plate 6 Continental Plates (14 sub-continental plates) Tectonic Plates = “Pieces of the Crust” Earthquake Locations

NEES 1906 San Francisco Earthquake (M= San Francisco Earthquake (M=7.9) Just 1 Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake Earthquakes Can Be Devastating

NEES …Understanding exactly what happens during earthquakes …Using principles of math and physics to figure out how the shaking affects buildings and bridges …Using intuition, reasoning, math, and physics skills to design better, earthquake resistant buildings We try to reduce earthquake damage by…

NEES How can we protect a building from an earthquake? Protecting Structures 1.Make it STRONGER 2.Make it DEFORMABLE (DUCTILE) 3.ISOLATE the building

NEES Make it STRONGER Protecting Structures Which structure is stronger? Why? Wood Smaller members Steel Larger members OR

NEES Make it DEFORMABLE (DUCTILE) Protecting Structures Which material is more ductile? More brittle? OR Ductile!! Brittle!!

NEES ISOLATE the building Protecting Structures Which building would shake less? Rubber bearings

NEES Individual Activity Earthquake engineering concepts 1.) STABILITY: Which structure is the worst design (least stable)? columns weight 2.) PERIOD OF VIBRATION Which structure will shake the fastest? columns weight WHY? Large weight Most flexible WHY? Small weight Least flexible

NEES Designing K’Nex buildings 1-bay structure Minimum height: 15” The base of the structure has to be constructed with either a red or gray rod Hold specified weight (steel plates) Fill out the material pricing sheet and calculate how much your structure cost The base connector must include a free connection point straight down (see figure below)