THE WALKATHON IS HERE!! WHAT IS THE WALKATHON? The Walkathon is a fundraising campaign that starts TODAY Students and their families help raise money for PTA programs The end of the campaign is the Walkathon event, when students and teachers walk together around the school WHEN IS THE WALKATHON EVENT AT SCHOOL? Wednesday, October 14 th
WHY ARE WE DOING A WALKATHON? WHY? To raise money for our PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) The PTA makes many special things possible, including Smart Boards, One Book One School, Field Day and much more!
HOW MUCH MONEY MUST WE RAISE? $33,000!!! There are 384 students at Mill Hill $33,000 divided by 384 = approximately $86 per student We ask every student to try to raise at least $50
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Ask family and friends to give money. Explain why it is so important. How does the PTA help you? FUN Fundraising ideas: Bake Sale, Lemonade Stand In your class, get ready to make a CLASS BANNER! Tell everyone 100% of all donations directly support Mill Hill School!
WHAT TO DO ONCE YOU’VE RAISED SOME MONEY 1: Fill out the Pledge sheet. 2. Ask a parent to sign off on the Pledge sheet. 3. Use the Walkathon envelope to return the Pledge sheet and money to your classroom. And remember…….. You must return everything back to school by Friday, October 9 th in order to count for prizes!
WHAT ARE THE PRIZES? TOP 10 INDIVIDUAL MONEY RAISERS WIN GIFT CARDS 1 st place-$100, 2 nd place-$60, 3 rd place-$50, 4 th place-$40, 5 th -7 th place-$30, 8 th -10 th place-$20 TOP 2 MONEY RAISING CLASSES FROM EACH GRADE WIN KICKBALL GAMES RAFFLE for those who raise at least $50!
WHAT HAPPENS ON THE ACTUAL DAY OF THE WALKATHON? WHEN IS IT? Wednesday, October 14 th. Remember to wear sneakers and Mill Hill colors (blue and white) WHAT HAPPENS ? At 1:30 pm, everyone will gather in front of the school with their class banners. Grades K-2 will walk two times around the course. Grades 3-5 will walk 3 times. After the event, our fundraising achievements will be announced. The raffle and all prizes will be awarded.
AND FINALLY…….. Walkathon paperwork is going home in your backpacks TODAY Please tell your parents about today’s assembly. GOOD LUCK with your fundraising and last, but not least THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!! YOUR EFFORTS MAKE MILL HILL A GREAT SCHOOL!!!