Project Code: CSITMGMT-2013
Team members saeed aalam BSSE-F10-M-016 Madiha yousaf BSSE-F10-M-017 sanam imtiaz BSSE-F10-M-022 Bilal Afzal BSSE-F09-M-034 waseem anjum BSSE-F10-M-020 Kinza hussain BSSE-F10-M-006
CS & IT Management System Introduction Scope Background and Justification Methodology & Tools Project Milestones Project Current Status
Introduction: What? Why? Department & library website. Web based admission system. Client server application of fee management and examination. What? Why?
Background & Justification
Background & Justification Volume of student is increasing over time Manual process of recording, retrieving, and updating records. Lead towards ambiguous result
Background & Justification More time cost and human effort for work
Background & Justification No fast and quick access to the organization Website provides definition of organization Main Challenge is to effectively synchronize internal and external operations in such a way that job can be finished in time and gives desired results.
Scope First module is Web Site for the department of CS&IT. Web site will provide information related to department and allow teachers to make profile dynamically. Second module is Web Site for the University Central Library Web site will provide library’s information, book searching and registration form downloading. Third module is Online Admission System. Students can online submit their forms. System will generate merit list and send an email to selected students.
Scope Fourth module is Fee management in which system will manage record of Student’s fee. Fifth module is Examination management in which record of every student related to exams will be managed.
Methodology & Tools
Methodology & Tools Application Development Methodology: Incremental methodology for development Enterprise application that consists of multiple modules.
Object-Oriented Programming Approach: Object-Oriented Programming Design Pattern: Abstract Factory Suitable design pattern for application
Tools: NetBeans IDE 7.4 Eclips Java EE IDE Jdk (Java Development Kit) 7u45 Xampp 1.8.2 MS SQL Server 2008 Apache tomcat server 7.0 Adobe Photoshop CSS5 MS Word 2010 MS Project 2010 MS Visio 2010 Adobe Dreamweaver cs5 Notepad++
Project Milestones
Project Milestones First milestone of our project is to develop website modules Development of these modules is partially completed because requirements of these modules are finalized These modules are completed partially and are ready to be deployed Second milestone of our project is to complete requirement document of all remaining modules Development of these modules will be started after we complete our requirement analysis This is high priority milestone and it will consume more time than other
Project Milestones Next milestone of our project is the development of database of the system Database is huge and complex Backbone of all modules is database and this is also high priority module Web application of online admission system will be developed after this Our objective is to develop secure and state of the art application using J2EE technology in short time as possible We will try to buy hosting to check our project status in real environment
Project Milestones Our next milestone is to complete development of fee and examination system All three modules are interconnected and highly dependent on database We will also try to develop smartphone application to facilitate students to view their results using that application
Current Project Status
Department of CS & IT Website Website will provide information about Department Faculty Department events and latest news Photo gallery recent projects of students Results and merit lists facility will be available on website. Social media pages will be available to provide information about update on website. Email facility will be available to contact with website admin.
University Central Library Website will provide information about UOS central library Library services Library campuses Staff/student login Search facility of books will be available on website. Social media pages will be available to provide information about update on website. Library registration form will be available. Email facility will be available to contact with website admin. URL:
Questions & Answers