Will Winders Matt Berger
What is Autism? Autism is a mental condition in which people have significant social and communication difficulties. There are 3 types of ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder). Asperger syndrome Autistic Disorder Pervasive Development Disorder
Background: Autism One in every one hundred and ten people have Autism. More children this year will be diagnosed with Autism then Cancer, Diabetes, and AIDS combined. Sixty seven children are diagnosed with autism daily.
Background: Autism (continued) Autism has been growing at an alarming rate and Autistic children are beginning to age out of the school system at age 21. This means that a lot of Autistic people will go into adulthood without any help for jobs or living. Autistic people have several unique abilities such as noticing details and sorting/categorizing
Cans for Cornerstone The point of Cans for Cornerstone would be to provide a safe worksite environment for Autistic adults It would focus on the skills that Autistic people have as mentioned before. We are collecting cans/bottles to raise money for this non for profit organization.
Action Plan We have already started collecting bottles every chance we have. We have collected bottles at numerous softball games in Ridgefield. We went to the Memorial Day Parade to collect bottles there as well. We plan to continue this throughout the summer until we reach our goal of $300.
“The private funding for Leukemia is approximately $310 million per year. The private funding for Muscular Dystrophy is approximately $175 million per year. The private funding for Pediatric AIDS is approximately $394 million annually. The private funding for Juvenile Diabetes is approximately $130 million annually. Autism only gets approximately $15 million of private funding for research every year.” (Dera 1)
Work Cited do-you-agree/question /?link=ibaf&imgurl= _sad_child_3630_229014_poll_xlarge.jpeg&q=sad%2Bautistic%2Bchildren do-you-agree/question /?link=ibaf&imgurl= _sad_child_3630_229014_poll_xlarge.jpeg&q=sad%2Bautistic%2Bchildren t.pdf t.pdf