1 Experimental Determination of the Stable Boundary for a Cylindrical Ion Trap Andrew Alexander, Dr. Victor Kwong*, Brad Clarke, James Benevente UNLV Summer REU Program, Las Vegas, Nevada August 9, 2010
2 Introduction Ion Traps: first designed with hyperbolic electrodes Equations of motion – exact analytic solution Difficult fabrication process Cylindrical ion trap Easily constructed and functional alternative Theoretical model remains elusive.
3 Objective Ions near center of trap “see” approx. hyperbolic potentials Good starting point Exact trapping parameters must be determined experimentally Goals: Determine stable boundary for cylindrical design Compare findings: simulated results & hyperbolic electrode theory
4 System Components
10 Trap Design Basics Ring electrode: AC potential (V0) & DC potential offset (U0) end cap electrodes ring electrodes
11 Theory – Hyperbolic Ion equation of motion Form of Mathieu differential equation: & – linearly related - V 0 and U 0
12 Simulation - Cylindrical Ion equation of motion No simple solution Turn to simulation program: SimIon Numerically determine ion trajectory & defined the same – comparison
Methods Experiment 1Experiment 2 (Delta U 0 ) Ions created and stored with au near boundary Ions storage times: 345 & 690 ms Ions created and cooled – 700 ms Ideal trapping parameters U 0 brought near boundary 2 ms storage time near boundary Basic Process Ion signal scanned as a function of Uo Boundary approx. where signal is lost
14 Global Comparison of Results
15 Conclusion Creation of ions near the boundary adversely affects ion population Trap design appear to “leak” ions over time Delta U 0 approach minimizes these complications
16 Acknowledgments Dr. Victor Kwong Brad Clarke James Benevente Financial support from NSF REU program DMR is gratefully acknowledged. 16