r ION-WG Status CCSDS Meetings 28 Oct 2009
r ION-Working Group Overview ION Working Group is a sub-team of the NASA DTN Readiness Project whose goal is to guide ION evolution to flight readiness – 8 partners including 5 NASA Centers, UC-Boulder, APL, and Ohio U. – Avoids local implementations – Combine resources and flight expertise – Define characteristics of a system that make it easy for missions to pick-up. How does ION fall short? Configuration Control Board (CCB) to evaluate and approve modifications Flexible, formally managed ION repository Comprehensive ION Test Suite
r Current Work Items (1 of 2) Repository – Resides and is managed by Ohio U.; separate from public site; behind firewall – Mercurial used for version control – Working through “mechanical” kinks CM processes and policies – Issue tracker set-up – CCB set-up Test suites – Separate directory in each branch of repository – Uses Build-bot to autonomously run test suite – Support for multiple OSes – Run with every updated version – Flushing out kinks
r Current Work Items (2 of 2) ION flight software – Baselined DINET-2 ION Flight software – Assessment of portability Dependencies matrix Call-tree analysis Logical decomposition Ease of adding other platforms Abstraction around pthreads; POSIX APIs – Proposal: framework for adding block to bundles; adding “shared” or “collaboration” blocks, especially for things like bundle security – Testing ION/LTP/Encap/AOS stack – Ground interfaces for command & telemetry – statistics collection – Start/stop/clean-up tasks in flight – Multi-threading? – Future work areas: Memory/storage management OS I/F enhancement: Potentially integrate with OSAL Convergence Layer Abstraction Guide to parameter management Dynamic loading
r “Other work” Code analysis Coding standards Design Review(s) Documentation – User’s guide – Platform implementation guides – Potential templates for mission required docs (i.e. requirements; design review material, etc)