Main Heading Third heading or text Subheading Time Resolved Studies Academic Staff: A. Prof. Peter Hammond * Ph.D. Student: Aaron Alderman (thesis submitted Sept 11) Postdoctoral Researcher: Dr Penny Thorn Windsor, Canada: Electron/ion low energy storage ring ( operating 1 st prototype ) Apparatus & Collaborations UWATime Resolved Emission Detector for photoelectrons Electron/ion low energy storage ring ( soon to be operating 2 nd prototype ) Trieste, Italy: Present: Elettra Synchrotron Light Source (operating ~ A$300 million) In the future: FERMI Free Electron Laser (commissioning ~ A$110 million) * Current Personnel
Trieste, Italy: Elettra Synchrotron Light Source (operating) FERMI Free Electron Laser (commisioning)
The Synchrotron: photon pulses from stored electrons Schematic representation Electrons accelerated in magnetic field devices to emit synchrotron radiation Typical pulse separation is 2 ns (i.e. 500 MHz)
From experiments in June 2008 at Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy with 3 rd prototype: Time Resolved Emission Detector (TRED) A new technique invented at UWA Built in the School of Physics workshop Ultra-fast timing on picosecond timescale Precision ~10 picoseconds Usable for low energy electrons (>1eV) Nov 2011: 5 th prototype at Sincrotrone Trieste Electron signal from synchrotron light pulses separated by 2 ns Aim: to measure picosecond scale atomic and molecular processes
Main Heading Third heading or text Subheading Stored low energy electrons or ions - Recycling Spectrometer (RS) Hemisphere entrance apertures Interaction region apertures Hemisphere entrance apertures r, θ for trajectory in interaction regions mm Pulsed electron/ion injection Electron orbit: time ~300 ns length 0.64m Stored for ~100 orbits For ions: long path length time of flight mass spectrometer
Key publications Electron Storage: D.R. Tessier, Y. Niu, D. P. Seccombe, T. J. Reddish, A. J. Alderman, B. G. Birdsey, F. H. Read and P. Hammond A Passive Electrostatic Recycling Spectrometer of Desk-Top Size for Charged Particles of Low Kinetic Energy Physical Review Letters (2007) 99, ( ) P. Hammond, T.J. Reddish, A.J. Alderman, D.R. Tessier and F.H. Read Stability criteria for a passive electrostatic non-relativistic charged particle storage device New Journal of Physics (2009): 11, ( ) Fast timing of photons: JG Lambourne, F Penent, P Lablanquie, RI Hall, M Ahmad. M Zitnik, K Bucar, MK Odling-Smee, JR Harries, P Hammond, DK Waterhouse, S Stranges, R Richter, M Alagia, M Coreno and M Ferianis Experimental Determination of the Lifetime for the 2p3d( 1 P o ) Helium Doubly Excited State Physical Review Letters(2003) 90, ( ) JR Harries, JP Sullivan, S Obara, Y Azuma, JG Lambourne, F Penent, RI Hall, P Lablanquie, K Bucar, M Zitnik and P Hammond Partial photoionisation of helium into the 2s 2 S and 2p 2 P ion states in the 3lnl’ doubly-excited states region J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2005) 38, L153–L160 ( ) Fast timing of electrons with TRED: IPR too secret to publish yet!
Opportunities? In all areas of the research into the TRED and the RS: Ultra-fast timing experimental measurements Further apparatus design, development and exploration Computational modeling of RS and TRED apparatus (trajectory integration in 3D) Commissioning of UWA RS prototype Combination of TRED concept with RS spectrometer to form an ultra-high resolving power time-of-flight mass spectrometer (~400000) For further information contact me - Data analysis & interpretation of data from the RS prototypes