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Maths Workshop Content Maths and Numeracy Outcomes. Unpacking an outcome Knowledge and Skills Learning and Teaching Strategies Resources Course Plans Excel Spreadsheet - Exemplars Sharing good practice and Information Wikispace
Mathematics and Numeracy Outcomes MATHS OUTCOMES - A3 format.doc
Unpacking an Outcome Activity 2 unpack blank.doc Activity 2 unpack maths level 0.doc Activity 2 unpack maths level 2.doc Activity 2 unpack maths level 3.doc
Course Planning Maths_Num_Level_0(1).xls Maths_Num_Level_1(1).xls Maths_Num_Level_4.xls
What numbers can you make with 2, 3 and 6? Give me 3 numbers that have a total of 52 Tell me 2 numbers that have a difference of 12 An apple and a banana cost 20p altogether. What could each sweet cost? Show me how you subtract 37 from 82 Why is the sum of 2 odd numbers always even? If 7x6 = 42, what else can we work out? Show me 4 division facts with the answer 6 I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed. MNU 103C Tell me 2 numbers with a product of 24 The answer is 32. What is the question? 34 7 Find different ways of completing this table Write 5 different multiplication sums with the answer 60 Is it always true that multiplying a number makes it bigger? Write a number in each circle so that the number in each box equals the sum of the two different numbers on each side of it. Find different ways of doing it. Activity 3 Effective Questioning
...solve problems...plan and organise...work with others...think critically & creatively...use initiative...lead...to learn...take risks The ability to The Scottish Government, Edinburgh 2007 Skills for Scotland – A Lifelong Skills Strategy
I have discussed the important part that numbers play in the world and explored a variety of systems that have been used by civilisations throughout history to record numbers. MTH 114N
introducing algebraic thinking at an earlier stage more emphasis on interpreting statistical information in the world around us stronger emphasis on the important part mathematics has played, and will continue to play, in the advancement of society the relevance of mathematics in daily life. Updating the Curriculum
Learning and Teaching planned active learning with opportunities to observe, explore, investigate, experiment and play development of problem-solving capabilities development of mathematical thinking skills use of relevant contexts, familiar to young people’s experiences
appropriate, effective use of technology building on the principles of Assessment is for Learning collaborative and independent learning making links across the curriculum increased opportunities for discussion, communication and explanation of thinking.
Why do teachers ask pupils questions? Questions are for thinking and discussion. They are not just about right and wrong answers Which of these numbers is the odd one out and why?
Using the outcomes To reflect on and adapt current practice: Do more of Do less of Stop doing Start doing
Using the outcomes To try out See examples of suggested activities related to the outcomes on Excel files at: Please contribute your own ideas and help populate the files.