Fostering worldwide interoperabilityGeneva, 13-16 July 2009 ATIS Lawful Intercept (LI/LAES) Standards Development Brian K. Daly, Director, Core Standards.


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Presentation transcript:

Fostering worldwide interoperabilityGeneva, July 2009 ATIS Lawful Intercept (LI/LAES) Standards Development Brian K. Daly, Director, Core Standards AT&T Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14 DOCUMENT #:GSC14-PLEN-021 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ATIS AGENDA ITEM:Plenary; 6.3 CONTACT(S):Brian K. Daly, AT&T

Fostering worldwide interoperability Highlight of Current Activities (1) Wireline VoIP and Broadband Focus – ATIS PTSC LAES* Subcommittee Currently focusing on: Additions/changes to Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (LAES) standards for: VoIP Internet Access and Services (IAS, Broadband) Advanced VoIP Conferencing Services Next Generation Networks Implementation Guidelines for LAES Public IP Network Access Services 2 Geneva, July 2009 *ATIS Packet Technologies and Systems Committee Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (PTSC LAES) Subcommittee

Fostering worldwide interoperability Highlight of Current Activities (2) Wireless/GSM-Evolved Focus – ATIS WTSC LI* Subcommittee Currently focusing on: Standards for Lawful Intercept (LI) for Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) Advanced VoIP Conferencing Services Canadian-Specific Location Update Requirements for LAES Delta documents to 3GPP LI Specifications to support specific USA/Canadian Requirements 3 Geneva, July 2009 *ATIS Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee Lawful Intercept (WTSC LI) Subcommittee

Fostering worldwide interoperability Strategic Direction 4 Geneva, July 2009 ATIS strategic direction has been maintained since last year Work within legal and regulatory framework (per USA CALEA law and related FCC regulations, and Canadian regulations) – e.g., USA Safe-Harbor provision Work proactively to support law enforcements needs (per reasonable changes and direction) Work in response to FCC regulatory mandates Focus on regional needs of LI/LAES (North America) Coordinate/collaborate with other organizations where appropriate (e.g., TIA)

Fostering worldwide interoperability 5 Geneva, July 2009 Working at the nexus where law, regulation, technology, and standards come together Delivering standards to satisfy aggressive regulatory mandate target dates such that reliable implementations can be deployed (per target dates) Determining what is reasonable to proactively support law enforcements needs (while not crossing the line of interpreting law or regulation) Change management of LI/LAES standards, e.g.: Separating implementation guidelines from necessary changes to the standards FCC petition process Challenges

Fostering worldwide interoperability 6 Geneva, July 2009 Complete currently defined work program Continue appropriate changes to current standards suite Respond (at appropriate time) to the expectation of more information from FCC regarding J-STD-025B and possibly other NGN related LI/LAES standards Continue with cross-organizational coordination and collaboration Next Steps/Actions

Fostering worldwide interoperability 7 Geneva, July 2009 N/A Proposed Resolution

Fostering worldwide interoperability 8 Geneva, July 2009 Supplementary Slides

Fostering worldwide interoperability9 Drivers: Stimulated by passage of the U.S Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) FCC Mandates Law Enforcement and National Security needs Safe Harbor Something (as a statutory or regulatory provision) that provides protection (as from a penalty or liability). From Merriam- Webster's Dictionary of Law © General Drivers for LI/LAES

Fostering worldwide interoperability10 PTSC Mission/Scope Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC) Mission: PTSC develops and recommends standards and technical reports related to services, architectures, and signaling, in addition to related subjects under consideration in other North American and international standards bodies. Scope: Coordinates and develops standards and technical reports relevant to telecommunications networks in the U.S. Reviews and prepares contributions on such matters for submission to U.S. ITU-T and U.S. ITU-R Study Groups or other standards organizations. Reviews for acceptability or per contra the positions of other countries in related standards development and takes or recommends appropriate actions.

Fostering worldwide interoperability11 PTSC Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance Subcommittee (PTSC LAES) Mission: The PTSC LAES Subcommittee develops and recommends standards, technical requirements and technical reports related to Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (LAES) of packet-mode technologies in a wireline environment. Scope: Coordinates and develops standards, technical requirements, technical reports and other documents relevant to LAES of packet-mode technology in telecommunications networks in the U.S., taking advantage of standards development progress in other standards organizations, e.g., IETF, WTSC and ETSI. In as much as the development of standards may be evolved or influenced by several ATIS technical committees/forums, PTSC and the PTSC LAES Subcommittee will maintain liaisons with appropriate ATIS committees/forums, as well as with standards- setting bodies, external to ATIS and will adopt other SDO standards as appropriate. PTSC LAES Mission/Scope

Fostering worldwide interoperability12 Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee (WTSC) Mission: WTSC develops and recommends standards and technical reports related to wireless and/or mobile services and systems, including service descriptions and wireless technologies. WTSC develops and recommends positions on related subjects under consideration in other North American, regional and international standards bodies. Scope: WTSC coordinates and develops standards and technical reports primarily relevant to wireless/mobile telecommunications networks in the U.S. and reviews and prepares contributions on such matters for submission to the appropriate U.S. preparatory body for consideration as ITU contributions or for submission to other domestic and regional standards organizations. WTSC will maintain liaison with other ATIS Committees as well as external fora as appropriate. WTSC will coordinate closely with other standards developing organizations (e.g., ITU-R, TIA, IEEE, ETSI) on wireless issues to ensure that the work programs are complementary. WTSC Mission/Scope

Fostering worldwide interoperability13 WTSC Lawful Intercept Subcommittee (WTSC LI) Mission: WTSC LI develops, maintains, amends, and enhances American National Standards and other WTSC deliverables related to lawful intercept within the GSM family (GSM/EGPRS/UMTS). This work may be done within WTSC LI or may be done in close cooperation with other U.S., regional, and international standards and specifications groups to ensure that respective standards and specifications for the GSM family meet North American regulatory and commercial requirements. Scope: WTSC LI provides the following functions and capabilities: Formulate positions in support of WTSC objectives. Coordinates activities relevant to U.S., regional, and international standards and specifications activities including: Preparation, review and presentation of contributions as proposed US positions for submission to international standards bodies such as ITU-T; Establish appropriate mechanisms and coordinate contributions and positions that support WTSC objectives with other relevant committees and organizations (e.g., other US, regional, and international standards and specifications fora). Evaluate proposals for lawful intercept capabilities within the GSM family. Transpose 3GPP lawful intercept deliverables into WTSC deliverables. Develop and coordinate appropriate inputs regarding lawful intercept aspects that impact or are impacted by IMT-2000 services. WTSC LI Mission/Scope

Fostering worldwide interoperability14 ATIS LAES Standards WTSC Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (LAES) Addendum 1 - Addition of Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID); (J-STD-025-B-1, September 2006) Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (LAES) - Addendum 2 - Support for Carrier Identity; (J-STD-025-B-2, April 2007) UMTS Handover Interface for Lawful Interception; (T , March 2004) Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (LAES) for 3GPP IMS-based VoIP and other Multimedia Services; (ATIS , May 2007) PTSC LAES for Voice Over Packet Technologies in Wireline Telecommunication, (ATIS ) Supplement to ATIS a.2007X - LAES for Voice Over Packet Technologies in Wireline Telecommunication; (ATIS a.2007) Data Buffering (Short Term Storage) in an Internet Access and Services LAES Environment; (ATIS ) Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (LAES) for Internet Access and Services; (ATIS ) Wireline Service Provider Job Aid for VoIP and IAS LAES Standards; (ATIS ) ATIS Document Center:

Fostering worldwide interoperability15 PTSC LAES Issues PTSC Issue S0022: LAES of NGNs PTSC Issue S0037: Support for LAES of Advanced VoP Conferencing PTSC Issue S0056: Supplement B for ATIS , LAES for VoIP PTSC Issue S0057: Implementation Guidelines for ATIS PTSC Issues page:

Fostering worldwide interoperability16 WTSC LI Issues WTSC Issue P0009: IMS Based POC (Push-to-talk Over Cellular) LAES Capabilities WTSC Issue P0015: LAES for Server-Based VoIP Conferencing WTSC Issue P0020: Supplement to ATIS LAES for 3GPP IMS-based VoIP and other Multimedia Services WTSC Issue P0021: Canadian-specific location update requirements for LAES WTSC Issue P0022: North American changes to 3GPP Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance Standards WTSC Issues page: