Maths - Subtracting
Subtracting is simple. It is the opposite of adding. For example: 3 – 2 =___
Subtracting is simple. It is the opposite of adding. For example: 3 – 2 =___ = 1
Let’s do some more! 1 – 1 = 6 – 4 = 2 – 1 = 7 – 4 = 7 – 5 = 9 – 0 =
There are different ways to subtract: – 1 5 There are different ways to subtract: –
Answer: –
If there is a small number which is subtracted by a number bigger than itself:
Did you see how we did that? How many can you think up: Pop them here:
Did you see how big we could get in numbers! Anyone would think it was hard but it’s easy isn't it!
Let’s Revise! So first we did the basics, Then we did some more, Then we learned how to do bigger sums, Finally we thought up some more.