Linked requirements and their impact on planning Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR Linked requirements and their impact on planning Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005
Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Different cases of linked assignments and how they are treated in by the planning software Assignments / allotments within one requirement may be completely independent, but some of them may be linked together. When creating links between notices, a special care must be taken with regards to: - which notices may be linked - what fields must be used, and what a specific link means - which links are not permitted and how to correct eventual errors Administrations must take very good care when constructing linked assignments / allotments because the links may be difficult to understand. Also, when deleting one of the assignments / allotments, the Administration must take very good care about the links. Removing one assignment / allotment may make multiple other assignments allotments hanging or orphans. This presentation has an objective to presents the links between assignments / allotments using family relationships as analogies. However, there is no direct correspondence between family links and assignment / allotments links, so some of analogies may have somewhat limited meaning. In principle, Assignments are compared with the BROTHERS, Allotments with the SISTERS and sub-allotment areas with the CHILDREN and the family name (surname) is compared with the SFN ID or, in case of brother-sister relation with AUI of an allotment.
Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Notices Family: DS1 and DT1 Assignments without Sfn ID and without AUI of an Allotment are soloists – they live outside of the family in a vast area called Multiple Frequency Network and their number is limited only by technical reasons. Station 1; channel A Station 2; channel B Station 3; channel C Station n; channel M Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR
Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Notices Family: DS1 or DT1 Assignments with Sfn ID but without AUI of an Allotment are BROTHERS. They live together in a family called Single Frequency Network, and they must have all planning related parameters (planning configuration - reference or specified, reference network, spectrum mask and channel or frequency block) Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR Station 1; channel B SFN ID 01 Station 2; channel B SFN ID 01 Station 3; channel B SFN ID 01 Station n; channel B SFN ID 01
Two (or more) Assignments (Notices DT1 or DS1) can form a SFN. The assignments are linked through Sfn ID. The field for link with Allotment (Administrations Unique Identifier of T-DAB or DVB-T allotment must be empty. If there is a Sfn ID, there must be at least one more notice with the same Sfn ID BROTHER Notices Assignment notices DT1 or DS1 with Sfn ID A Brother cant live alone! He must have at least one brother but he can have many brothers! Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR Separate coverage contours are calculated for each individual digital assignment. No overall contour enclosing all these digital assignments will be established. Incompatibilities between these digital assignments are not taken into account. Incompatibilities with other digital requirements are calculated for each individual digital assignment.
Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Notices Family: DS1 or DT1 Assignments with Sfn ID and with AUI of an Allotment are BROTHERS with one SISTER. They also live together in a family called Single Frequency Network. They must fulfill all conditions for the SFN. Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR Station 1; channel B SFN ID 01 AUI A001 Station n; channel B SFN ID 01 AUI A001 Allotment a; channel B SFN ID 01 AUI A001 Station 3; channel B SFN ID 01 AUI A001 Station 2; channel B SFN ID 01 AUI A001
Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR
Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR Two (or more) Assignments (Notices DT1 or DS1) can form a SFN. The assignments are linked through Sfn ID. They can be linked to an allotment with the same SFN ID through the field Administrations Unique Identifier of T-DAB or DVB-T allotment. Attention: there may be only one allotment notice with the same SFN ID! BROTHERS + SISTER + CHILDREN Notices Multiple assignment notices DT1 or DS1 with same Sfn ID and AUI of allotment notice plus only one allotment DT2 or DS2 with its accompanying sub-allotment zone Brothers can have only one Sister! Sister can have one or more children, but a Sister can be childless too (in case the whole geographic area represents an allotment zone). However, one child may have more mothers (Sisters) !?!? (multiple allotments on a single sub-allotment zone). In case of error, a child may be orphan (a sub-allotment zone without any allotment accompanied to it) but the validation will not indicate this error. Interference from the allotment is the higher value from individual digital assignments or from RN associated with the allotment. Interference to the allotment is calculated at the test points that define the allotment area of the allotment.
Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR Allotment a; channel B AUI A001 Station 1; channel B AUI A001 Notices Family: DS1 or DT1 Assignments without Sfn ID but with AUI of an DS2 or DT2 Allotment. Conditionally, this link may be designated as marriage link: a HUSBAND with a WIFE. The marriage must be strictly monogamous, i.e. only one husband and only one wife!
Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR
Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR This is NOT a SFN. The assignment is linked to allotment only through AUI. Attention: there may be only one assignment linked to only one allotment notice WITHOUT the SFN ID! HUSBAND + WIFE + CHILDREN Notices One single assignment notice DT1 or DS1 without Sfn ID can be linked to one single allotment notice DT2 or DT2 with its accompanying sub-allotment zone through AUI Husband can have only one Wife! Wife can have only one Husband! Wife can have one or more children, but she can be childless too (in case the whole geographic area represents an allotment zone). Interference from the allotment is that from the digital assignment. Interference to the allotment is calculated at the test points that define the allotment area of the allotment.
Second Regional Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the administrations of the African countries Accra, Ghana, October 2005 Linked requirements - Borislav M. Rackov ITU/BR/TSD/TPR