Creation of a Pediatric Rehab Orientation Guide for the Inpatient/Pre-school Settings PROJECT: Creation of a Pediatric Rehab Inpatient/Pre-school Orientation Guide and Competency TrainingPROBLEM: There was no formalized and comprehensive orientation and competency training for new employees or for therapists that are new to the pediatric rehab inpatient/pre-school area. There was no formalized and comprehensive orientation and competency training for new employees or for therapists that are new to the pediatric rehab inpatient/pre-school area. Gena Henderson, PT Caryn Givens, PT Ellen Hobbs, OT Sarah Wilson, OT Amber Yampolsky, PT
Pediatric Rehab Orientation Inpatient/Pre-school Methods 1.Identified the main topic areas that are necessary to cover during orientation. 2.Created an orientation check-list consisting of the main topic areas and sub-categories of topics within those main areas. 3.Created written details with supporting information for each sub-category. 4.Collected and/or created reference/resource materials that were needed for each sub-category. 5.Organized a binder with the orientation check-list, written details, and supporting references/resources. 6.Created an orientation folder for new employees with orientation and competency check-lists along with key reference/resource materials useful in their everyday functions.
Pediatric Rehab Orientation Inpatient/Pre-school Main Topic Areas Identified 1. 1.Departmental Information 2. 2.Computers 3. 3.Performance 4. 4.Tour and Orientation to Floors 5. 5.Resources 6. 6.Equipment 7. 7.Treatment Specific Information 8. 8.Physical Therapy Specific Information 9. 9.Occupational Therapy Specific Information Pre-school Specific Information
Pediatric Rehab Orientation Inpatient/Pre-school New Systems/Resources Developed Equipment Powerpoint Equipment Orientation/Annual Competency Check-off Treatment Specific Resources: Vitals Signs, Lab Values, Common Tests/Scales Diagnosis Specific Protocols/Guidelines Lines, Leads, and Tubes Powerpoint Billing/Charging Reference List ADL Equipment Recommendation Hand-out Weekend Procedures Guide Competency Check-off: new employees, PRN, and annual
First Page of Orientation Checklist
New Hire Acute Care Competency Check-list
Pediatric Rehab Orientation Inpatient/Pre-school Assessment Creation of the orientation training helped to develop a comprehensive and organized manual to guide initial training and to serve as a resource for current employees It will serve as a reference for compliance and competency for our department
Pediatric Rehab Orientation Inpatient/Pre-school Recommendation and Plan The orientation and competency training will be reviewed and updated annually by the assistant managers and/or clinical coordinators. All current staff will review the orientation check-list and supporting material to bring the entire department up-to-date in their orientation and training. Competency check-lists will be completed for the current year. The orientation and competency training will be implemented with all newly hired staff or staff new to the area.