To do: Going over the printing press today Short presentation- get out your notes! Document activity Happy Friday!!!!! Friday, November 16th
The Printing Press
Get your warm ups out Watch the YouTube video and write down 3 different Renaissances to the Renaissance that you see/hear U&list=UUAiABuhVSMZJMqyv4Ur5XqA&index=18 &feature=plcp U&list=UUAiABuhVSMZJMqyv4Ur5XqA&index=18 &feature=plcp Warm Up
Warm Up packets are DUE today!!!!! Collect:
Students will analyze the importance that the printing press had on literature, literacy and religion. Learning Goal
The Invention That Changed The World! The Printing Press
Chinese invention of block printing helped spread Renaissance ideas throughout Europe The Old Way of Printing
Monks used to hand- write Bibles by hand Much room for error If messed up, would have to start the whole page over again Not many books were in print
During the 13 th century, European printers began using block printing to create whole pages to bind into books This process was too slow John Gutenberg reinvented moveable type around 1440 and made it more practical The New Way
Each block was carved by hand with each character in position which meant a completely new carved block for each page
Gutenberg later invented a printing press- a machine that presses paper against a full tray of inked moveable type Enabled a printer to produce hundreds of copies, all exactly alike Gutenberg’s Printing Press
The invention of movable type was made from a durable metal that could be cast from a mold rather than hand-carved from wood
Vernacular- The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region. Writing in vernacular languages increased because those who didn’t have “classical” education could read in their own language Vernacular
The first full-size book printed with moveable type was the bible- known as the Gutenberg Bible, printed in 1455 Had a revolutionary impact on society $$$$$$$ today Gutenberg Bible
Printers printed the Bible in vernacular, allowing more people to read it People started to interpret the bible for themselves and became more critical of priests behavior This leads to demands for religious reform Results: Vernacular and the Bible
For the first time, books were cheap enough that people could buy them By 1500, presses in about 250 cities had printed between 9 and 10 million books! At first, just religious books were printed, then travel books and medical manuals were printed Availability of books encouraged people to read causing a spike in literacy Effects
People all over the land were exclaiming….
Examine each document carefully to discover how printing changed one aspect of the world. Record your analysis of each document on the chart. Title- enter the name of the document Author- what do you know about them? Year- find this in the document Type- Primary or secondary source? What is the difference? Main Idea- summarize what it is saying Significance- Why is this important? Activity: Directions Part I
Due Tomorrow! Do not worry about part II until Monday Directions Part II