1. USE CUSTOMER REWARD PROGRAMS When looking at any retailer, you can see that they are willing to reward to reward you for shopping at their store. Creating an address for promotional offers and coupons from these retailers is great idea which can help you save for your next purchase.
2. MOVE BANK ACCOUNTS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PERKS Many banks offer bonuses for simply opening an account and setting up a deposit, others offer bonuses for referring friends and family. Certain banks also have more appealing interest rates than others, it is important to find a bank which allows you to make the most money.
2. MOVE BANK ACCOUNTS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PERKS When I signed up for my Tangerine savings account, I was awarded an extra 50$ for every time I referred a friend (I made a total of 250$ because of this promotion).
3. BUY USED PRODUCTS WHEN POSSIBLE With a bit of smart shopping, you can find an expensive product for a low price. When looking for products such as video games, clothes or furniture, you can buy a slightly used product for very cheap. Making it a routine to go to these shops can help you save big bucks $
3. BUY USED PRODUCTS WHEN POSSIBLE At EB games you can get a used game for 35% of the original price ( $
4. EAT AT HOME Cooking at home is an easy way to save money. Eating out on regular basis is very expensive. Making a meal at home saves money and also is healthy!
5. CARPOOL If you live near a friend or family member, carpooling to work or school is a great way to save money on your gas bill. Not only does this save money, its great for the environment!
5. CARPOOL Finding someone to carpool with can be a challenge. If you can’t find a friend to carpool with use this website:
6. SELL UNUSED CLOTHES When looking through your closet, you should always be able to find lightly used clothing which is too small for you. Instead of getting rid of the clothing, sell it! Using eBay or a yard sale you can easy sell your small clothes and make easy money!
7. DON’T BUY BOOKS Books, especially textbooks, can be very expensive. Instead of buying expensive books, rent them from a friend or borrow them from a library. This can save you hundreds in high school and even thousands in university.
7. DON’T BUY BOOKS Texts books can be founded online for much cheaper use to buy or rent text books for cheap!
8. DON’T BUY A SMART PHONE Smart phones can be really expensive ranging from around $. Instead of paying for unneeded features, you should buy a flip phone for the cheap price of 50$. Most flip phones contain the ability to call and text giving you the necessary features needed for a cellphone. Flip phones also remove a lot of distractions which come along with a smart phone!
9. CREATE A SPENDING LIMIT Creating a spending limit before you buy something or go shopping is a great way to manage your money. This is a great technique to save a lot of money, but only works if you are strong willed and stick to your limit.
10. SAVE A DOLLAR A DAY Saving one dollar a day is a great way to prepare you for the future. Learning how to save when you are young will tremendously help you when you get older and prepare you for adulthood. Saving only one dollar a day saves you 365$ in a year!
WORK CITED "Clipart - High Quality, Easy to Use, Free Support." Clipart - High Quality, Easy to Use, Free Support. Web. 13 July Hamm, Trent. "100 Great Ways to Save Money - The Simple Dollar." The Simple Dollar How to Save Money 100 Great Tips to Get You Started Comments. 21 May Web. 13 July "Top 50 Money-Saving Tips." Martha Stewart. 2 Feb Web. 13 July "6 Unique Money-saving Tips for Everyone." 9 Sept Web. 4 July "Recycled Offers -" Recycled Offers - Web. 4 July 2015.