1 An integrated approach to assessing and meeting the needs of prisoners… Integrating the ‘Care Act’ into practice. Richard Hockley Occupational Therapist
2 Forging Links… …the journey begins.
“Occupational therapy can’t assess, he’s already sat in his chair…”
4 Breaking down barriers Other professionals Understanding of the OT role Our own
5 OT A&E EAU Inpatient mental health units Community setting Residential homes Forensic mental health Blue badge assessors Ward settings
6 Positive steps… breaking down barriers. Continuing to meet with commissioners. Meeting with assessors at the Prison. Exploring prison clearance. Meeting third party agencies.
7 Where we are now… …although this service is 100% commissioned, Occupational Therapy can support… Provision of advice and information Professional and service development Best practice Bringing services together A multi- disciplinary approach Integration of the ‘Care Act’ into practice
8 Thank you for listening…. Richard Hockley
9 Reference List: Clipart (2015) Links Windows 2010 Clipart (2015) People Windows 2010 Clipart (2015) Steps Windows 2010 Google Images (2015) Person sitting on stair Online at: &bih=673&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=E3RUVYmlPIHEU ujrgLgM&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&dpr=1#imgrc=nnBEjdRpV_05.png% 3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fgalleryhip.com &bih=673&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=E3RUVYmlPIHEU ujrgLgM&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&dpr=1#imgrc=nnBEjdRpV_05.png% 3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fgalleryhip.com Gov.uk (2015) Care and Support Statutory Guidance Online at: data/file/366104/43380_ _Care_Act_Book.pdf data/file/366104/43380_ _Care_Act_Book.pdf