Integrating ICT into English Teaching: More than PPT Secretary & English Teacher, CSGHS Chiu Shu-chuan (Alice Chiu) 2006.05.10
Introduction ICT: What? ICT: Why? ICT: When? ICT: How?
ICT Core Competencies Technical Networking/ Communication Teaching Creating Evaluating Searching
Technical Competence Basic Computer Literacy Browser Word Processing PowerPoint (?) Multimedia software (?) Web-page building (?)
ICT Core Competencies Technical Networking/ Communication Teaching Creating Evaluating Searching
Communication: tools Synchronous communication CMC such as Yahoo Messengers / MSN Video Conferencing Asynchronous communication E-mail Exchange ( Classroom Exchange) Forums (I*EARN Youth Forum) Mailing List Blog
Communication: Mailing List ELTeCS NETEACH-L: teaching ESL/EFL on the Net ( Join the feedback and communities in “Teaching English” website. You can subscribe the mailing list and take part in the message board. Learn more about ESL/EFL mailing lists
Communication: Online Project-Based Learning I*EARN (US) Global Gateway (UK) TakingITGlobal (Canada) Friendship Through Education (US)
Communication: Online Professional Development I*EARN professional Development courses Integrating the Internet into the Classroom instructed by Michael D. Kruass in Lewis and Clark College Using the Internet in the K-12 Classroom from Indiana University Net learning
ICT Core Competencies Technical Networking/ Communication Teaching Creating Evaluating Searching
Searching 2-3 billion pages; Constantly changing. Easy to search... Easy to waste time
Searching: google/wikipedia Just about the worst thing you can do is to sit down and type things into a search engine…. A search engine should be the last, rather than the first thing that you think about using. (A Googling Lesson)
Websites for Teachers Effective Internet Search Searching the Internet: Recommended Sites and Search Techniques Effective Internet Searching Techniques Internet Search Tools & Techniques Using Web Search Tools
Teaching Materials on the Internet Interesting things for ESL Students Activities for ESL/EFL Students Online Reading Comprehension The Change Agents Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab BBC Online Soap Opera CNN Student News
ICT Core Competencies Technical Networking/ Communication Teaching Creating Evaluating Searching
Evaluating Accuracy Authority Currency Navigation Design URL Evaluate Web Pages
ICT Core Competencies Technical Networking/ Communication Teaching Creating Evaluating Searching
Creating Handouts/worksheets PowerPoint Slides Web pages for web-based Lessons Webquest
ICT Core Competencies Technical Networking/ Communication Teaching Creating Evaluating Searching
Teaching: Activities Tasks Language Awareness Research Projects Intercultural Projects Online Activities
ICT Core Competencies Technical Networking/ Communication Teaching Creating Evaluating Searching
Conclusions The new technology offers a good deal. However, it can waste enormous amounts of time and resources. Remember, the key to success is not hardware and not software, but…