Chapter 1 Getting Started
Asynchronous CMC vs. Synchronous CMC CMC Computer-mediated communication Asynchronous CMC (takes place in a delayed fashion) Synchronous CMC (takes place a live fashion)
Asynchronous CMC Web bulletin boards exampleexample Blogs A blog is “an online journal comprised of links and postings in reverse chronological order, meaning the most recent posting appears at the top of the page.”(by Dan Gilmour in his book Making the News ) ( example (1) example (2) flickr exampleexample flickr example
Synchronous CMC Let’s visit Dave’s ESL Café and join discussion forums.Dave’s ESL Café Microsoft NetMeeting exampleexample New software: Skype Windows Live Yahoo MessengerSkypeWindows LiveYahoo Messenger
Five main reasons for using the Internet in English teaching Authenticity: 24 –hour access to vast amounts of authentic material Literacy: Ability to read, write, communicate, research, and publish on the Internet Interaction: Major means of learning language Vitality: Flexible, multimodal, and constantly changing medium Empowerment: Increase the personal power of teachers and students—autonomous life-long learners