Problem of the Day What do you get when you cross a mountain climber and a grape?
Problem of the Day What do you get when you cross a mountain climber and a grape? Nothing, you cannot cross a scalar.
CSC 212 – Data Structures
Rest of the Year
ADTs Mean Interface s Each ADT is defined by single Interface Guarantees methods exist & what they should do But classes are free to implement however they want Programmer knows from the interface : Each of the method signatures Value returned by the method The effects of the method’s actions Why Exception s thrown by method
View of an ADT IOU
You Other Coder IOU
View of an ADT You Other Coder IOU ADT
ADTs must remain abstract Any implementation okay, if it completes methods Could implement an ADT with: Implementing ADT
ADTs must remain abstract Any implementation okay, if it completes methods Could implement an ADT with: Array Implementing ADT
ADTs must remain abstract Any implementation okay, if it completes methods Could implement an ADT with: Array ArrayList Implementing ADT
ADTs must remain abstract Any implementation okay, if it completes methods Could implement an ADT with: Array ArrayList Trained monkeys Implementing ADT
ADTs must remain abstract Any implementation okay, if it completes methods Could implement an ADT with: Array ArrayList Trained monkeys College students Implementing ADT
Is an array an ADT?
Arrays are very specific implementation Single & multiple dimensional versions exist… … but implementation impossible except with array No trained monkeys could do same work Arrays also do not specify functionality No standard way to access or use data In fact, there is no interface serving as guarantee! Why Not an ADT?
Implementation vs. ADT ImplementationADT
Superinterface for all our ADTs Define methods common to all data structures Access & usages patterns differ with each ADT Collection Classes
Superinterface for all our ADTs Define methods common to all data structures Access & usages patterns differ with each ADT public interface Collection { public int size(); public boolean isEmpty(); } Collection Classes
Superinterface for all our ADTs Define methods common to all data structures Access & usages patterns differ with each ADT public interface Collection { public int size(); public boolean isEmpty(); } Collection Classes
Superinterface for all our ADTs Define methods common to all data structures Access & usages patterns differ with each ADT public interface Collection { public int size(); public boolean isEmpty(); } Collection Classes
Awwww… our first collection class Works like PEZ dispenser: Add by pushing data onto top Pop top item off to remove impossible Accessing other values impossible Top item only is available Cheap plastic/private fields get in way Stacks
Awwww… our first collection class Works like PEZ dispenser: Add by pushing data onto top Pop top item off to remove impossible Accessing other values impossible Top item only is available Cheap plastic/private fields get in way Stacks
Awwww… our first collection class stack Works like stack of books (or coins, rocks, …) Add by pushing data onto top Pop top item off to remove impossible Accessing other values impossible Top item only is available Gravity’s pull/private fields get in way Stacks
Awwww… our first collection class stack Works like stack of chips (or coins, rocks, …) Add by pushing data onto top Pop top item off to remove impossible Accessing other values impossible Top item only is available Cardboard tube/private fields get in way Stacks
Applications of Stacks Stacks are used everywhere Back & Forward buttons in web browser Powerpoint’s Undo & Redo commands Methods’ stackframes used during execution Java uses stacks to execute operations in program
Defines two vital methods… push(obj) add obj onto top of stack pop() remove & return item on top of stack … an accessor method… peek() return top item (but do not remove it) … and Collection ’s methods… size() returns number of items in stack isEmpty() states if stack contains items Stack ADT
ADT also uses shared exception public class EmptyCollectionException extends RuntimeException { public EmptyCollectionException(String err){ super(err); } } EmptyCollectionException is unchecked Need not be listed in throws, but could be Unchecked since there is little you can do to fix it try-catch not required, but can crash program More Stack ADT
public interface Stack extends Collection { public E peek() throws EmptyCollectionException; public E pop() throws EmptyCollectionException; public void push(E element); } Any type of data stored within a Stack Generics enable us to avoid rewriting this code Minimum set of exceptions defined by interface Classes could throw more unchecked exceptions Stack Interface
Using Stack
Your Turn Get into your groups and complete activity
For Next Lecture Read 3.3 – 3.4 for Wednesday’s class Must we write Stack for each type of data? I HATE typecasts; can we avoid them forever? Eliminating errors by compiler, where do I sign up? Programming assignment #1 also on Angel Pulls everything together and shows off your stuff Please get it started, since due in 3 weeks