Information-Media-Technological Literacy Defining Your Place In The Curriculum Frank Baker Martha Alewine March 7, 2007
Hey, I wrote a book ! Capstone Press Audience: Grades 3-5 Approach: learning to ask questions questions
Information-Media-Technological Literacy Defining Your Place In The Curriculum “While educators rightly emphasize the development of language competencies, it is also valuable for students to learn symbol systems, including images, sound and music, as a means of self-expression and communication, as these are now an integral part of contemporary life.” “While educators rightly emphasize the development of language competencies, it is also valuable for students to learn symbol systems, including images, sound and music, as a means of self-expression and communication, as these are now an integral part of contemporary life.” Dr. Renee Hobbs Temple University “Multiple Visions of Multimedia Literacy: Emerging Areas of Synthesis” International Handbook of Literacy and Technology, Volume II
Information-Media-Technological Literacy Defining Your Place In The Curriculum “A growing body of research suggests that media literacy instruction improves student reading, viewing, and listening comprehension of print, audio, and videotexts; message analysis and interpretation; and writing skills. As students progress, they develop transferable analytical tools for learning and gain concrete connections between the curriculum and their experiences outside of school.” “A growing body of research suggests that media literacy instruction improves student reading, viewing, and listening comprehension of print, audio, and videotexts; message analysis and interpretation; and writing skills. As students progress, they develop transferable analytical tools for learning and gain concrete connections between the curriculum and their experiences outside of school.” Media Matters March 2005
Information-Media-Technological Literacy Defining Your Place In The Curriculum “We are faced with the consequences of not teaching our children to decode the content. The persuasiveness of the Internet will lead to more and more students potentially being manipulated by the media.” Alan November author: Empowering Students With Technology
Information-Media-Technological Literacy Defining Your Place In The Curriculum What is media literacy? What is media literacy?
Information-Media-Technological Literacy Defining Your Place In The Curriculum “ critical thinking (and viewing) about media messages”
Media literacy is.. … concerned with helping students develop an informed and critical understanding of the nature of mass media, the techniques used by them, and the impact of these techniques. More specifically, it is education that aims to increase the students' understanding and enjoyment of how the media work, how they produce meaning, how they are organized, and how they construct reality. Media literacy also aims to provide students with the ability to create media products. … concerned with helping students develop an informed and critical understanding of the nature of mass media, the techniques used by them, and the impact of these techniques. More specifically, it is education that aims to increase the students' understanding and enjoyment of how the media work, how they produce meaning, how they are organized, and how they construct reality. Media literacy also aims to provide students with the ability to create media products. Media Literacy Resource Guide, Ministry of Education Ontario video
What media literacy is… Set of skills, knowledge, & abilities Set of skills, knowledge, & abilities Awareness of personal media habits Awareness of personal media habits Understanding of how media works Understanding of how media works Appreciation of media’s power/influence Appreciation of media’s power/influence Ability to discern; critically question/view Ability to discern; critically question/view How meaning is created in media How meaning is created in media Healthy skepticism Healthy skepticism Access to media Access to media Ability to produce & create media Ability to produce & create media
What media literacy is not.. media bashing media bashing “protection” against media “protection” against media just about television just about television just TV/video production just TV/video production how to use AV equipment how to use AV equipment just teaching with media; just teaching with media; it is teaching about the media it is teaching about the media
Groups endorsing media literacy American Assn of School Libraries American Assn of School Libraries Cable In The Classroom Cable In The Classroom College Board College Board National Council for Teachers of English National Council for Teachers of English National Middle Schools Assn. National Middle Schools Assn. National Council of Social Studies National Council of Social Studies Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Partnership for 21 st Century Skills and many more…. and many more….
Media literacy in ELA Non-print texts (TV, film, music) Non-print texts (TV, film, music) Understanding bias & stereotypes Understanding bias & stereotypes Analyzing techniques of persuasion Analyzing techniques of persuasion (for example– in advertising) (for example– in advertising) The language of TV/film (camera work, lighting, music) The language of TV/film (camera work, lighting, music) Visual literacy (photography) Visual literacy (photography) Blogging; graphic novels Blogging; graphic novels
Media literacy in Social studies Analyzing editorial cartoons Analyzing editorial cartoons Examining historical photographs Examining historical photographs Studying past/present propaganda Studying past/present propaganda Understanding bias/stereotypes Understanding bias/stereotypes History of American broadcasting History of American broadcasting Understanding US communications policy Understanding US communications policy Analyzing political advertising Analyzing political advertising
Media literacy in health Body Image Body Image Marketing/advertising of food Marketing/advertising of food Food/nutrition labeling Food/nutrition labeling Tobacco, alcohol advertising Tobacco, alcohol advertising How media influences sex behaviors How media influences sex behaviors
Six areas of media literacy education 1. Who made this text and why? (Agency) 2. What sort of text is this? (Category) 3. How was this text produced? (Technology) 4. How do I make sense of this text? (Language) 5. Who is the intended audience of this text? (Audience) 6. What does this text say about its subject? (Representation) The UK Model
Five core concepts Five core concepts (U.S.) Five core concepts All media are constructed All media are constructed Media are languages with their own set of rules Media are languages with their own set of rules Media convey values and points of view Media convey values and points of view Different people experience the same media messages differently Different people experience the same media messages differently Media are concerned with power/profit Media are concerned with power/profit Source: Center for Media Literacy
Media literacy- asking critical thinking questions Who created/produced the message? Who created/produced the message? What was the producer’s purpose? What was the producer’s purpose? For whose eyeballs is this intended? For whose eyeballs is this intended? What techniques are used both to: What techniques are used both to:techniques a) attract attention b) increase believability Who or what might be omitted and why? Who or what might be omitted and why? What lifestyles are promoted and why? What lifestyles are promoted and why? Who benefits from this message? Who benefits from this message? Where can I go to verify the message? Where can I go to verify the message?
Approaching media literacy Still images (visual literacy) Messages which incorporate images (e.g. advertising) Moving images (languages of TV, film)
Visual literacy #1
Visual literacy #2 Where is the camera? Why is it there? Why is it there? What does it mean when the camera shoots UP at someone ? What does it mean when the camera shoots UP at someone ?
Visual literacy #3
Ad incorporating image Who created it?Who created it? For what purpose?For what purpose? For which audience?For which audience? Using what techniques?Using what techniques? What lifestyle is promoted?What lifestyle is promoted? Where (what publication) might you find this; why?Where (what publication) might you find this; why? How does it make you feel?How does it make you feel? How might I change the message?How might I change the message?
Moving Images Do your students understand/appreciate the process of making television and film?
“ Movies, advertisements, and all other visual media are tools teachers need to use and media we must master if we are to maintain our credibility in the coming years.” Jim Burke, from The English Teacher’s Companion
"If video is how we are communicating and persuading in this new century, why aren't more students writing screenplays as part of their schoolwork?" "If video is how we are communicating and persuading in this new century, why aren't more students writing screenplays as part of their schoolwork?" Heidi Hayes Jacob Ed Consultant
Moving image examples Cell phone ad cell phone script Cell phone ad cell phone scriptadscriptadscript Political campaign ad Political campaign adad Toy ad Toy adad Student produced: Crock Hunter Student produced: Crock HunterCrock HunterCrock Hunter
The media specialist role Inventory your student/faculty collection Inventory your student/faculty collection Consider acquiring at least ONE resource Consider acquiring at least ONE resource that would help teachers address media literacy Plan a Professional development workshop Plan a Professional development workshop Write about media literacy in your newsletter or blog Write about media literacy in your newsletter or blog Consider the parents- what do they need to know? Consider the parents- what do they need to know?