Fostering worldwide interoperabilityGeneva, July 2009 TTA activities and Future Direction Won-Sik Kim President, TTA Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14 DOCUMENT #:GSC14-PLEN-048 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:TTA AGENDA ITEM:4.8
Fostering worldwide interoperability 2 Geneva, July 2009 Strategic Standardization Areas Focus on standardization in areas of: IMT Advanced; IPTV; Advanced T-DMB; ICT & Climate Change. Focus on standardization in IT convergence: u-Transportation; - Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication System u-Health; - Biometrics Monitoring, u-Health network platform e-Navigation. - Satellite Communication, Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
Fostering worldwide interoperability Highlights of Current Status - 4G(IMT-Advanced) Endorsed the submission on LTE-Advanced as a candidate of IMT-Advanced to ITU-R WP5D #5 Standardizing interworking between WiBro and UMTS and WiBro Femto cell etc. Opened the C-code for the channel model implementation to WP5D#5 Joint meeting(Aug, 2009) between IEEE802.16m and TTA TC07 to discuss the submission of IMT-Adv candidate radio transmission technologies Simulation using C-code based channel model simulator Submitting an external evaluation report to ITU-R WP5D
Fostering worldwide interoperability 4 Geneva, July 2009 Highlights of Current Status - IPTV Phase 1 completed in Apr. 08 : Support IPTV based on legacy IP network But, it had limitation which doesnt provide interoperability among devices and services Different contents protection specifications among service providers Phase 2 in progress for adopting ITU-T IPTV standard in consideration of NGN by December 2010 Developing Mobile IPTV standard to evolve to next generation IPTV
Fostering worldwide interoperability Highlights of Current Status - Advanced T-DMB 5 Completed TTA Advanced T-DMB Standard Increased data rate (T-DMB: 1.728Mbps vs AT-DMB:2.88Mbps) Maintain backward compatibility with T-DMB service Completed lab and field test of Advanced T-DMB Network investment of T-DMB is expected to be less than that of other Mobile TV Spec. with similar coverage More channel capacity for variety multimedia and data services is required
Fostering worldwide interoperability Highlights of Current Status - ICT & Climate Change 6 TTA established ICT and Climate Change(ICT&CC) Advisory Group (08.10) and the group has been developing standards for ICT&CC TTA will develop methodology to describe and estimate present and future CO2 emissions of ICSs To study the terms, definitions and impacts on ICTs and CC To develop checklists for eco-friendly ICTs ITU Climate Change Symposium will take place in Korea on 23 September 2009 hosted by KCC and organized by KCC & ITU
Fostering worldwide interoperability TV Out Cable Earphone + 20 pin 2 nd version USB Data Cable Battery Charger 24 pin (Since 2001) 1 st version (Since 2008) Highlights of Current Status - Integrated 20pin I/O Connection 7 Integrated 20 pin I/O connection interface for mobile phones Smaller plug (10.6mmx2.6mm) size is to meet slimming & miniaturizing trend Multiple functions from a single plug is to maximize consumer benefits and environment
Fostering worldwide interoperability Future Direction (1/2) 8 IMT-Advanced Consider to reinforce the cooperation between IEEE and TTA for IMT-Advanced Standardization of enhanced Mobile-WiMAX Participate actively in CJK B3G Cooperation and IMT-Advanced Evaluation Process IPTV Standardization for interoperability of IPTV services and contents among IPTV service providers is in progress - DCAS, Middleware API, SI DCAS : Downloadable Contents Access System API : Application Programming Interface SI : Service Information
Fostering worldwide interoperability Future Direction (2/2) 9 AT-DMB Planning International Standardization of AT-DMB technology to ITU-R SG6 in collaboration with World DMB Forum Integrated I/O connection interface Further collaboration on integrated I/O connection interface - Potential collaboration with GSMA UCS initiatives & IEC TC100 - Forward compatibility with UCS & IEC TC100 can be considered
Fostering worldwide interoperability 10 Geneva, July 2009 Supplementary Slides
Fostering worldwide interoperability 1. TTA Standardization Committees ) Technical Committees (TC) 58 Project Groups (PG) Technical Assembly (TA) Coordination Committee (CC) Coordination Committee (CC) Future Internet*, NGN, IPTV, etc. Telecommunication(TC2) 70 WGs NGN Evolution, etc Telematics/ITS, LBS, WPAN, RFID/USN, etc. Radio Communication (TC3) ZigBee/WPAN, etc u-Health, Multimedia, etc. IT Application (TC4) Grid Accounting, etc Cyber Security, Biometrics, DRM, etc. Information Security (TC5) DRM Interworking, etc Open S/W, WEB, MetaData, etc. Infra Software (TC6) Mobile Web, etc. IMT-2000 Evolution *, etc. Mobile Communication (TC7) Radio Access, etc DMB, Digital TV, etc. Broadcasting (TC8) DMB, etc Strategy Planning Committee (SPC) Strategy Planning Committee (SPC) ICT & CC*, etc 2 (as of July 2009) * Newly Established in 2008 & 2009
Fostering worldwide interoperability Newly Established Fora(6) Cloud Computing Forum Embedded SW Forum Data Quality Management Forum Data Center Technology Forum Game Technology Forum Cognitive Radio/Software Defined Radio Forum Abolished Fora(2) LBS Forum Future of Numbering Forum Merged Fora(2) Grid Forum Korea & Open Cyber Collaboration Forum Cloud Computing 2. IT Standardization Fora accredited by TTA
Fostering worldwide interoperability TTA IT Testing and Certification TTA CertifiedTTA verifiedGOOD SoftwareData BroadcastingDMB Mobile Phone Charger Mobile Phone Digital Broadcasting Equipment Software Network TTA provides Testing and Certification services in whole ICT area - Expand services for IPTV, Information Security, A-GPS, OTA, WiMAX Wave 2, etc. in 2009 Recently Bench Mark Testing services are increasing - VoIP Phone, Home Network Devices, etc.
Fostering worldwide interoperability Bluetooth –Dr. Jeongku Lee Recognized as BQE (Bluetooth Qualification Expert) by Bluetooth SIG (May 2008), in addition to Dr. Ganghae Lee –Accredited as CATL (CTIA Authorized Testing Laboratory) by CTIA in Feb USB –Dr. Dongho Kim designated as Certified Administrator in 2008 –Qualified as Test Lab on Hi-Speed USB (Oct. 2008) and Wireless USB (Mar. 2009) by USB-IF –Plan to expand to USB 3.0 in TTA IT Testing and Certification
Fostering worldwide interoperability WiBro (Mobile WiMAX) –Dr. Dujeong Choi designated as WCB (WiMAX Certification Body) by WiMAX Forum (May 2008), the 2 nd WCB in the world –Issued Korea's first official WiMAX Forum Certification (Sep. 2008) CC (Common Criteria) – IT Security Products –Prepare for a license by Sep BQE_AST (Auditor, Surveillance, Trainer) (Bluetooth) Kanghae Lee Jeongku Lee WCB (WiMAX) Dujeong Choi USB-IF Certified Administrator (USB) Dongho Kim BQE (Bluetooth) TTA IT Testing and Certification