Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK Rev *I Design Win Replication: PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP For Thermal Management Fail-Safe Thermal Management for Mission-Critical Systems: Simplify Your Design with a Customized, One-Chip Solution Presentation: To provide an engineering overview to customers for a Cypress solution. Title slide: To define what the presentation will cover. The subtitle is a one-sentence statement of the key opportunity.
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 2 Thermal Management Must Be Fail-Safe Fail-safe Thermal Management is required for mission-critical systems Telecommunication switches and networking routers Rack-mounted servers and storage switches Industrial automation and medical imaging equipment Rack-Mounted Servers Market Vision: To define the market opportunity. Presents compelling data and end product photos relevant to the local market. Thermal Management provides critical reliability functions to maintain system temperature within specified ranges continuously Mission-critical systems require a customized, fail-safe Thermal Management solution Up to six fans and two Temperature Sensors per rack Service Router by Cisco Twenty-four fans and four Temperature Sensors per router PSoC 3 CPU Air out Report to the Central System Controller Fan control 1 Fan control 2 Fan control 3 Temperature Sensor 1Temperature Sensor 3 Temperature Sensor 2 Temperature Sensor 4 Generic PSoC ® 3 Thermal Management System One PSoC 3 measures four temperatures, including air and CPU temperatures. It then drives three fans independently, each to a precise speed. The system is redundant and reports to the central system controller.
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 3 Terms You Will Hear Today Terms of Art (ToAs): To clearly define for engineers all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution. Temperature Values Temperature Sensors Temperature Sensing Thermal Algorithm Fan Controller Analog Outputs Fan rpm targets Fans rpm targets rpm actuals Thermal Management System Maintains specified temperature ranges in your mission-critical system Temperature Sensors Convert temperature to an electrical signal Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD): changes ~0.387 Ω/°C, requires Current Source and ADC Thermistor: changes ~400 Ω/°C at room temperature, requires Voltage Source and ADC Thermocouple (e.g., type K, J, T): generates ~40 µV/ o C, requires ADC and a reference temperature sensor Temperature diode: changes ~250 µV/°C, requires Current Source and ADC Temperature Sensing Converts the analog output signal of the Temperature Sensors to a digital temperature value Requires special analog ICs and a microcontroller running firmware algorithms to correct and linearize the digital measurements Thermal Algorithm Calculates target fan revolutions per minute (rpm) from temperature measurements for proper temperature control Requires a microcontroller and complex firmware algorithms to calculate the target fan rpm Fan Controller Drives fans to target rpm by making continuous adjustments in a closed-loop system
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 4 Additional Terms Terms of Art (ToAs): To clearly define for engineers all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution. Current/Voltage Source An IC that generates a precise current or voltage supply Current-Output Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC) An IC that generates a precise Current Source for Sensors from a digital input Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) An IC that converts an analog signal, such as a Temperature Sensor output, to a digital signal Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) A digital circuit that creates square waves with controlled, variable pulse widths (duty cycle) Used by the Fan Controller to drive fans at rpm targets Tachometer (TACH) Measures actual fan rpm with Hall-effect sensors Used by the Fan Controller to set the fan rpm and detect failures Host Processor Main system processor that controls one or more Thermal Management Systems System Management Bus (SMBus) Industry-standard communication bus used in Thermal Management Systems Defined in a 60-page specification by the SMBus Industry Forum Used to implement system command protocols running on I 2 C Host Processor Communicating with Multiple Thermal Management Systems Thermal Management System 1 Host Processor … SMBus Thermal Management System n Each Thermal Management System communicates the fan status and temperature information to the Host Processor over I 2 C
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 5 PSoC Terms Terms of Art PSoC PSoC is the world’s only programmable embedded system-on-chip integrating an MCU core, Programmable Analog Blocks, Programmable Digital Blocks, Programmable Interconnect and Routing 1 and CapSense Programmable Analog Block A hardware block that is configured using PSoC Components 2 to create Analog Front Ends (AFEs), signal conditioning circuits with opamps and filters Includes Switched Capacitor/Continuous Time Blocks, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs) Switched Capacitor/Continuous Time (SC/CT) Block A Programmable Analog Block that is used to implement switched capacitor and continuous time analog circuits such as opamps and programmable gain amplifiers (PGAs) Programmable Digital Block A hardware block that is configured using PSoC Components 2 to implement custom digital peripherals and glue logic Includes the Digital Filter Block, Universal Digital Blocks and Timer, Counter, PWM Blocks (TCPWMs) Universal Digital Block (UDB) A PSoC Programmable Digital Block that contains: two programmable logic devices (PLDs), one programmable data path with an arithmetic logic unit (ALU), one status register and one control register Configured in PSoC Creator 3 using PSoC Components 2, or with the graphical UDB editor or using Verilog code Digital Filter Block (DFB) A PSoC Programmable Digital Block that contains a 24-bit multiplier/accumulator (MAC) and an ALU Configured in PSoC Creator 3 using PSoC Components 2 to implement an independent signal Coprocessor 4 1 Connects the Programmable Analog Blocks, Programmable Digital Blocks and I/Os 3 PSoC Integrated Design Environment (IDE) software that installs on your PC 2 Free embedded ICs represented by an icon in PSoC Creator software 4 A specialized hardware block designed to offload the main processor
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 6 Programmable Interconnect and Routing Connects the Programmable Analog Blocks, Programmable Digital Blocks and I/Os Enables flexible connections of internal analog and digital signals to internal buses and external I/Os PSoC Creator™ PSoC 3, PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP integrated design environment (IDE) Software that installs on your PC that allows: Concurrent hardware and firmware design of PSoC systems, or PSoC hardware design followed by export to popular IDEs Components Free embedded ICs represented by an icon in PSoC Creator Used to integrate multiple ICs and system interfaces into one PSoC Dragged and dropped as icons to design systems in PSoC Creator Thermal Management Components are designed specifically to perform the temperature control functions Component Configuration Tools Simple graphical user interfaces in PSoC Creator embedded in each Component Used to customize Component parameters as shown to the right PSoC Terms Terms of Art 200+ other Components to complete the system design Fan Controller Component Thermal Management Components: ADC, Fan Controller, IDAC, RTD, Thermistor and I 2 C Fan Controller Component Configuration Tool
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 7 Design Problems Engineers Face Each Storage Rack has two Thermal Management Systems with 16 fans and two Temperature Sensors Storage Rack by IBM Traditional Approach and Challenges: To present the traditional approach and the challenges engineers will face when using it to realize the Market Vision. Ends with a one-sentence segue clearly stating the benefit of the Cypress solution. Mission-critical systems cannot tolerate Thermal Management failures When fans wear out or become blocked When SMBus interfaces to the Host Processor go down Fans create noise and consume significant power at maximum rpm They must be driven at the minimum feasible rpm to minimize noise and power They require a microcontroller running Thermal Algorithms to calculate the minimum feasible rpm Every design requires difficult, time-consuming customization for: A different numbers of fans and different types of Temperature Sensors Specialized analog ICs for each Temperature Sensor Microcontroller-based firmware algorithms to correct and linearize sensor outputs PSoC solves these problems PSoC monitors the fan rpm for failures and supports redundant SMBus interfaces to the Host Processor The Thermal Management Kit includes Thermal Algorithms in PSoC Components to minimize fan noise and power One PSoC can control and monitor up to 16 fans and support up to 32 Temperature Sensors PSoC integrates the specialized analog ICs for each Temperature Sensor, including ADC and IDAC ICs PSoC Temperature Sensor Components provide firmware algorithms for accurate sensor conversion PSoC Component Configuration Tools create customized Thermal Management configurations in minutes PSoC creates a one-chip, customized, fail-safe Thermal Management solution
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 8 PSoC One-Chip Solution With added options for Voltage Sequencer and Power Monitor PSoC 3 Kit Thermal Management Kit And prototyped and validated using the PSoC 3, Precision Analog Sensor and Thermal Management Kits… Aggregation Router by Cisco To create a one-chip, customized, fail-safe Thermal Management solution. Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on the previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. Precision Analog Sensor Kit And create system designs that are customized in minutes by entering parameters into each of the Component Configuration Tools… PSoC Creator Components integrate common Thermal Management ICs… Fan Controller Configuration Tool Fan Controller Component Actual PSoC Thermal Management Design by Cisco PSoC Thermal Management Kits To get started, you should: Buy $99 PSoC 3 Kit (CY8CKIT-030) or PSoC 5LP Kit (CY8CKIT-050)PSoC 3 KitPSoC 5LP Kit Buy $129 Thermal Management Kit (CY8CKIT-036)Thermal Management Kit Buy $99 Precision Analog Sensor Kit (CY8CKIT-025)Precision Analog Sensor Kit Install PSoC Creator software and Thermal Management Kit on your PCPSoC Creator software Open the example project in the Thermal Management Kit Use the Fan Controller App Note for complete system design guidelinesFan Controller App Note
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 9 System Design in PSoC Creator IDE Cypress Solution: Compelling CY Creator introduction to solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. Provides a short, clear list of what to do to get started. 1.Explore the library of 100+ Components 2.Drag and drop Component icons to complete your hardware system design in the main design workspace 3.Configure Components using the Component Configuration Tools 4.Access Component datasheets directly from the Component Configuration Tool for technical specifications 5.Codesign your application firmware with the PSoC hardware using the PSoC Creator IDE C compiler 6.Use the PSoC Fan Controller App Note for complete system design guidelines Thermal Management Example Project in PSoC Creator IDE
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 10 Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. OLD: Traditional RTD Solution with 0.1% Accuracy ICs PSoC Temperature Sensing Design NEW: PSoC Creator RTD Component and Configuration Tool RTD Component converts ADC output to accurate temperature with embedded algorithm library OLD: Typical MCU Code Needed for RTDs 100+ lines of code Traditional RTD solution requires 6 ICs NEW: PSoC RTD Solution with 0.1% Accuracy ADC output goes to RTD Component ADC with integrated voltage reference and amplifier DAC with current output
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 11 Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on the previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. PSoC RTD Sensing Solution Create your RTD solution in minutes Download App Note AN70698 – Temperature Measurement with RTDsAN70698 Use the provided Example Project as a starting point (includes ADC and IDAC Components) Configure the RTD Component based on your sensor type (PT100, PT500, PT1000) and temperature range Select temperature calculation error budget vs. instruction cycles requirement Design the remainder of your system in PSoC Creator Build your project and prototype your system using the Precision Analog Sensor Kit RTD Component Configuration Tool Select RTD type, temperature range and calculation error budget; view calculation error vs. temperature PSoC RTD Solution for Broken-Wire Reconfiguration Mechanical stress causes one of four wires to break PSoC auto- reconfigures to three-wire mode
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 12 PSoC Fan Controller Component Create a custom, closed-loop Fan Controller in minutes Drag and drop the Fan Controller Component into the main design workspace Right-click the Component to customize your parameters with the Component Configuration Tool Choose the number of fans to be controlled and monitored (up to 16, with speeds of up to 25,000 rpm) Enter parameters from the manufacturer’s datasheet to map PWM duty cycle to fan rpm Choose between firmware-controlled or hardware-controlled fan speed regulation Enable alert for a stalled fan (optional) Enter control loop period (in seconds) to specify how frequently the PWM duty cycles are adjusted Enter tolerance (in %) to specify acceptable difference between the target rpm and the actual rpm Select feature to reduce acoustic noise by limiting fan rpm acceleration (optional) Fan Controller Component Cypress Solution: To give details on CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. Fan (PWM) outputs used to drive fans at the target fan rpm TACH inputs used to measure the actual fan rpm Fan Controller Component Configuration ToolCustomize Your Fan Controller Parameters
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 13 PSoC SMBus Component Component Configuration Tool for SMBus Component Cypress Solution: To give details on CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. SMBus Component: Protocols in minutes Defines the physical (I 2 C) and logical (firmware protocol) interfaces Implements system command protocols running on I 2 C Complies with a 60-page specification by the SMBus Industry Forum Supports multiple instantiations for redundancy Custom Commands in the SMBus Component Configuration Tool SMBus for Interfacing Your Thermal Management System to the Host Processor I 2 C bidirectional data signal Master-generated I 2 C clock Optional SMBus-defined alert pin for notification to the Host Processor Host Processor 3 Colored header implies inherent host connection Configure the SMBus Component Drag and drop the SMBus Component in PSoC Creator Use the Component Configuration Tool to customize your parameters Enter the I 2 C address (7-bit format) of the device Select the I 2 C data rate (10 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz or 400 kHz) Enable the SMBus alert pin to notify the Host Processor of alerts Create custom SMBus commands to customize your Host Processor interface
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 14 Cypress Solution: To give details on CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. 1.Three Temperature Sensors with only passive components external to PSoC 2.Current and voltage source for temperature sensors 3.Multichannel differential 20-bit ADC for reading all temperature sensors 4.Closed-loop Fan Controller for controlling and monitoring the fans 5.Host interface over SMBus 6.RTD firmware algorithm for converting ADC output to accurate temperature 7.CapSense user interface and LCD display for selecting fan to display Watch our demo video: Example Project from the Thermal Management Kit with Two Fans and Three Temperature Sensors Example Project with Two Fans
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 15 Thermal Algorithms on PSoC MCU Use the Thermal Algorithms in the PSoC Thermal Management Kit Download the PSoC Thermal Management Kit on your PC Open the example project that includes reference Thermal Algorithms that run on the PSoC microcontroller Define how to combine multiple temperature measurements to form a composite temperature measurement Select a method for calculating the target fan rpm from the composite temperature measurement Cypress Solution: To give details on CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. Thermal Management Process Demonstrated by the PSoC Thermal Management Kit Example Project Potentiometer (Temperature Sensor emulator) Analog Outputs Digital Temperatures Fan #1 Target rpm Target rpm RTD Temperature Sensor Diode Temperature Sensor Temperature Sensing T1 T2 T3 Thermal Algorithm #1 ƒ(T1, T2) Thermal Algorithm #2 ƒ(T2, T3) Fan Controller Fan #2 Target rpm Fan #1 Fan #2 Actual rpm Target rpm ,500 4,000 5,500 7,500 9,500 Target Fan rpm Temperature (C) ,000 4,500 7,000 9,000 10,000 Temperature (C) Target Fan rpm Composite Temperature = 0.9*T *T2, Hysteresis = 4 C Composite Temperature = 0.9*T2+ 0.1*T3, Hysteresis = 1 C Thermal Algorithm #1 (user defined) Thermal Algorithm #2 (user defined)
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 16 Prototype Your Solution Thermal Management Kit (CY8CKIT-036) Cypress Solution: To give details on CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. Use the Thermal Management Kit (CY8CKIT-036) Connect to your PSoC 3 (CY8CKIT-030) or PSoC 5LP (CY8CKIT-050) Kit Connect your Precision Analog Sensor Kit (CY8CKIT-025) for additional sensors Prototype with the two fans provided in the kit Or attach your own fans using on-board connectors Open the PSoC 3 Thermal Management Example Project Configure your fan controllers with Component Configuration Tools Watch our demo video: Diode Temperature Sensors Temperature Sensor with I2C interface Fan Socket SMBus connector Thermocouple Input Diode Inputs Thermistor (on board) RTD (on board) Thermistor (ext input) RTD (ext input) Precision Analog Sensor Kit (CY8CKIT-025) PSoC 3 Kit Thermal Management Kit Precision Analog Sensor Kit PSoC Thermal Management Kits Temperature Sensor with one-wire interface Temperature Sensor with a PWM output
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 17 PSoC ® 3 Thermal Management Solution Example – Service Router Block Diagram Solution Examples: To give detailed one-page PSoC Solution Examples from the field in the specified format MCU Firmware Algorithms PSoC 3 One-Chip Solution Thermal Algorithm #1 Diode Converter #1 ADC + PGA M U X IDAC Fan Controller Thermal Algorithm #2 Thermal Algorithm #3 Host Processor EEPROM Flash SRAM SMBus #2 SMBus #1 Digital Temperature Diode Converter #2 Temperature Measurements Desired Fan rpm PWM Fan Speed Control TACH Actual Fan Speed Design Challenges Control and monitor 12 fans Interface to multiple temperature sensors Provide redundant SMBus interfaces PSoC Solution Controls and monitors up to 16 fans Interfaces to two temperature diode sensors Provides two redundant SMBus interfaces PSoC Value Integrates three ICs: AMUX (Analog Multiplexer) IDAC (used as programmable current source) ADC with PGA (converts analog to digital) Diode Converter 1 Fan Controller (controls and monitors fans) SMBus (Host Processor communication interface) Thermal Algorithm 1 1 Configurable firmware embedded in Thermal Management Components PSoC Creator Components 16 Redundant SMBus Interfaces Thermal Management Components Temperature Diode Sensors Analog Outputs Current Sources for Sensors Service Router by Cisco Two Thermal Management Systems with 12 fans and two Temperature Sensors each Redundant Host Processor A M U X A
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 18 PSoC 3 Solution vs. Competition’s FeaturePSoC 3 ADI ADT7470 MCHP/SMSC EMC2303/5 TI LM96000 Maxim MAX31785 No. of Fans No. of Sensors Sensor Types Diode, RTD, Thermocouple, Thermistor TMP05/06Diode Redundant SMBus YesNo I 2 C Sensors YesNo Yes Competitive Comparison: To define key features of the Cypress solution and demonstrate its superiority over the Next Best Alternatives (NBAs). Must be credible and objective to the salesperson and customer.
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 19 Competitor Thermal Management IC: ADI temperature sensor hub and fan controller ADT7470ARQZ-REEL7 Price: $ BOM Integration Thermal Management IC: ADI temperature sensor hub and fan controller ADT7470ARQZ-REEL7 (2x) Price ($ x 2): $5.80 $2.90 $5.80 $8.70 Competitor 2x Thermal Management ICs BOM Integration Value Total Value Delivered Target PSoC Solution: Total Cost: 63% Total Savings: CY8C3245LTI-139 $ $5.49 EVC Slide: To clearly define the value of the Cypress solution, including BOM integration and unique functionality. PSoC 3 Thermal Management Solution Value 1 Digikey website 1ku pricing on 4/29/2015
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 20 PSoC Thermal Management Solutions FeaturePSoC 1PSoC 3PSoC 4PSoC 5LP Core M8C8051ARM Cortex-M0ARM Cortex-M3 No. of Fans 2 to 88 to 162 to 48 to 16 No. of Temp. Sensing Channels 8 to 2416 to 3210 to 1416 to 32 Sensor Types Diode, RTD, Thermistor I 2 C Sensors Yes Price Range 1 $1.53 to $3.22$3.48 to $4.73$1.74 to $1.92$5.00 to $5.59 PSoC Solutions Portfolio: To show the capabilities of CY solutions. To enable customers to select the appropriate CY solution for their requirements. 1 1ku pricing from Cypress website on 7/31/2014
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 21 1.View our demo video: Buy the PSoC 3 or PSoC 5LP Kit and Thermal Management Kit: (CY8CKIT-030) $99 (CY8CKIT-050) $99 (CY8CKIT-036) $129 3.Install PSoC Creator software: Here’s How to Get Started Each switch has two fans and an RTD Temperature Sensor, plus voltage sequencing and power monitoring for eight power rails Datacenter Networking Switch by Quanta Each server has up to four fans and a thermistor Temperature Sensor, plus support for voltage monitoring Each switch, which has up to eight fans and five Temperature Sensors, replaces two competitive Thermal Management ICs Desktop Network Switch by HP Call to Action: To tell customers how to start their design process. Blade Server by IBM
Engineering Presentation Owner: JHNW Rev *I Tech lead: VVSK 22 References and Links Demo video: Demonstration of the CY8CKIT-036 PSoC Thermal Management Kit Thermal Management Kit (CY8CKIT-036): Contains kit documentation and example project for Thermal Management design Precision Analog Sensor Kit (CY8CKIT-025): PSoC 3 Kit (CY8CKIT-030): PSoC 5LP Kit (CY8CKIT-050): Component Datasheet for Fan Controller: Component Datasheet for SMBus: App Note (AN66627) for Fan Controller: App Note (AN75511) for Thermocouple: App Note (AN70698) for RTD: App Note (AN66477) for Thermistor: App Note (AN60590) for Diode: App Note (AN65977) for TMP05 / TMP06 I 2 C Temperature Sensor: App Note (AN76474) for Power Supervision: Cypress Platform PSoC Product Roadmap: Other available materials: Provide distributors with comprehensive view of resources to assist in selling the solution.