Galatians Chapter 5
Outline of the book of Galatians Justification By Faith Apart From the Law I. Paul’s Defense Of His Apostleship (1-2) II. Justification By Faith Apart From The Law (3-4) III. Practical (5-6)
I. The Claim Made (vv. 1-5) II. The Warning Given (vv. 6-9) III. The Evidence Provided (vv ) Galatians 1 “An Apostle - Not of Men, But of God ”
Galatians 2 “Not An Inferior Apostle ” I. Approved By The Apostles At The Jerusalem Conference (vv. 1-10) II. Reproved Peter (vv )
Galatians 3 “Justification By Faith – Not By Law ” I. Spirit Received by Faith (vv. 1-5) II. Abraham Justified by Faith (vv. 6-9) III. The Law Brings a Curse (vv ) IV. The Promise Was Before Law (vv ) V. The Purpose of the Law (vv )
I. We Are Free, Sons & Heirs Through Christ (vv. 1-7) II. Why Go Back Into Bondage (vv. 8-20)? III. Allegory - Abraham’s Two Sons Represented Two Covenants (vv ) Galatians 4 “Freedom Through Christ – Bondage Through the Law ”
Galatians 5 “Stand Fast In The Liberty And Not In Bondage” 1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
I. Don’t Go Back To Circumcision And The Law (vv. 1-6) II. Don’t Listen To False Teachers (vv. 7-12) III. Liberty Is To Walk After The Spirit And Not Flesh (vv ) Galatians 5 “Standing Fast In The Liberty And Not Bondage ”
I. Don’t Go Back To Circumcision And The Law (vv. 1-6) A. Christ will profit you nothing (vv. 2, 4). B. Debtor to do the whole law (v. 3). C. Fallen from grace (v. 4). D. Circumcision doesn’t avail anything, but faith does (vv. 5-6). Galatians 5 “Standing Fast In The Liberty And Not Bondage ”
I. Don’t Go Back To Circumcision And The Law (vv. 1-6) II. Don’t Listen To False Teachers (vv. 7-12) III. Liberty Is To Walk After The Spirit And Not Flesh (vv ) Galatians 5 “Standing Fast In The Liberty And Not Bondage ”
II. Don’t Listen To False Teachers (vv. 7-12) Galatians 5 “Standing Fast In The Liberty And Not Bondage ” A. They have influenced you (vv. 7-9). 1. Were running well (v. 7). 2. Hindered in obedience to the truth (v. 7). 3. Not from one who calls (vv. 8, 11). 4. Can influence the whole church (v. 9). B. Confident that you will turn from false teachers (v. 10a). C. Teachers face judgment (vv. 10b, 12).
I. Don’t Go Back To Circumcision And The Law (vv. 1-6) II. Don’t Listen To False Teachers (vv. 7-12) III. Liberty Is To Walk After The Spirit And Not Flesh (vv ) Galatians 5 “Standing Fast In The Liberty And Not Bondage ”
Galatians 5 “Standing Fast In The Liberty And Not Bondage ” A. Love one another (vv ). B. Walk in and be led by the Spirit (vv ). C. Don’t do works of the flesh (vv ). III. Liberty Is To Walk After The Spirit And Not Flesh (vv )
Works of the Flesh Types of Sins Sexual Sins (First four sins) Religious Sins: (Next two) Relationship Sins: (Next eight) Intemperate Sins: (Last three)
Works of the Flesh All The Same Different Only In: How we view them Temporal consequences Different classes Sin of Attitude – just as bad as murder!
Works of the Flesh Clear Understandable Clear – Known Plain to see Not hard to determine Not confused by gray areas
Galatians 5 “Standing Fast In The Liberty And Not Bondage ” A. Love one another (vv ). B. Walk in and be led by the Spirit (vv ). C. Don’t do works of the flesh (vv ). D.Develop fruit of the Spirit (vv ). III. Liberty Is To Walk After The Spirit And Not Flesh (vv )
1. Liberty does not mean you can do anything you want. 2. Need to appreciate the freedom – not take for granted. 3. Possible to fall from grace (v. 4) 4. Just because one “runs well” doesn’t mean always will (v. 7) 5. Common denominator behind all commands – love (v. 14) 6. Sin of attitude just as bad as drunkenness, etc. (vv ) 7. If brethren bicker and fuss – devour & destroy (v. 15)