The Nuremberg Race Laws of 1935 By Anna Smoot. Vocabulary Aryan - A person of Germanic heritage (blond hair and blue eyes) Reich -the German state Michlinge.


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Presentation transcript:

The Nuremberg Race Laws of 1935 By Anna Smoot

Vocabulary Aryan - A person of Germanic heritage (blond hair and blue eyes) Reich -the German state Michlinge – a person with two or one Jewish grandparents(half-breeds)

Nuremberg Rally The Nazis hold an annual party rally in Nuremburg The rally inn 1935 was held from September 9 th to 15 th The radical anti-Semites suggested that Hitler announces a new law concerning the Jews at the rally - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum This is the rally at Nuremberg in 1935.

The First Law “The Reich Citizenship Law” -This law designates Jews as “subjects” in Hitler’s Reich, not citizens -Only people of German or kindred(related) blood are able to be citizens of the Reich and are fit to be citizens of the Reich

The Second Law “The Law for Protection of the German Blood and German Honor” -Jews were forbidden to marry Aryans or have sexual relations with them -If a German and a Jew were married before the Nuremberg Laws were announced, the marriage was void -If a German and a Jew were married outside of Germany, the marriage was still void - Jews were also not permitted to employ female citizens of kindred or German blood as servants

Punishments - Anyone who disobeyed the”Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor” was punished with imprisonment, hard labor or with a fine

Other Laws “The Law for the Protection of the Genetic Health of the German People” -Anyone who wanted to marry had to have a medical examination to see if they were disease free - If a person was found disease a “Certificate of Fitness to Marry” was issued

Classification of a Jew - The Nazis decreed that a “full Jew” is someone with at least Jewish grandparents. Even if the person practiced Christianity, they were still classified as a Jew. - Anyone with one or two Jewish grandparents was classified as a Mischlinge (half-breed) -- First Degree Mischlinge - two Jewish grandparents -- Second Degree Misclinge - one Jewish grandparent - On their identity cards, Jews were required to have a red “J” stamped in the middle to identify them as Jews. - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

This chart was issued to help distinguish Jews from Mischlinge, and Aryans - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Other People Affected - The Nuremberg Laws also extended to other groups - Roma(Gypsies), blacks and their offspring were some of these groups

Work Cited Works Cited United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan メ World War 2 in Europe. The History Place. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan