Social Contract British and French Philosophers impacted the writings of the Framers for American Government
Rousseau Met by society Locke Life, liberty, property Natural Rights
Quick Review Which Philosopher wanted a large government?
Quick Review Man is inherently good?
Quick Review The idea of Representative government
Quick Review Individual needs are met by the group
Montesquieu Political liberty is not possible in a despotic political system, but it is possible, though not guaranteed, in republics and monarchies. Generally speaking, establishing political liberty on a sound footing requires two things:
“Spirit of the Laws” Separation of Powers Due Process
“Spirit of the Law” concerning religion “The Christian religion, which ordains that men should love each other, would, without doubt, have every nation blest with the best civil, the best political laws; because these, next to this religion, are the greatest good that men can give and receive.” Spirit of the Laws Book 24
Voltaire Freedom of Speech 1 st Amendment Freedom of Speech “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.”
Locke Smaller Central government Representative by the people Life Liberty, Property Montesquieu Representative Power divided into 3 Branches Hobbes Large Government People need structure