Early Computers
Charles Babbage: Analytical Engine 1837
First Fully-automatic Calculating Machine
A small section of the type of mechanism employed in Babbage's Difference Engine. (IEEE 2002 in Kopplin 2002)
Konrad Zuse The Z1, was built between 1936 and 1938 in his parents sitting room (Kopplin 2002)
ENIAC (1946) was built and used for military purposes by the US Army during the Second World War
ENIAC: 167 square meters of floor space
Originally, it was hoped that computers would replace the need for women in the workplace. The women ended up running them!
Women were also the programmers
ILLIAC II - University of Illinois
Image References Goldstine, Herman H. (1972) ENIAC. Accessed 25 April 2012 Science Museum Group.(2012) Babbage's Analytical Engine. a_processing/ aspxhttp:// a_processing/ aspx Accessed 25 April 2012