Mathematics in Washington State Greta Bornemann OSPI Mathematics
Common Core Standards – College and Career Readiness Standards and K-12 Standards in Mathematics and Language Arts – Joint effort with National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) – 48 states have signed on to be part of the process Race to the Top – Competitive grants to encourage and reward States that are creating the conditions for education innovation and reform – STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
Third Credit of Mathematics New policy will take in effect for class of 2013 (freshman this year) Clear expectations on first two credits in mathematics – Algebra / Integrated I – Geometry / Integrated II Third Credit –Algebra 2 / Integrated III –Algebra 2 CTE course –Another course that addresses HS math that continues students with their career path
Mathematics Assessment
K-12 Mathematics Update ACADEMIC LEARNING STANDARDS Revised learning standards for K-12 mathematics are adopted (July 2008) Newly revised math standards should be Implemented in K-8 as well as Alg 1/Int I classes Full implementation of new high school math standards MSP Last administration of K-8 WASL (April 2009) MSP aligned to newly revised math learning standards (Apr. 2010) WASL/HSPE Last administration of 10 th Gr. WASL (April 2009) 10 th Gr. HSPE aligned to old math learning standards (Apr. 2010) End-of-Course HSPE EOCs in Alg 1/Int 1 and Geom/Int 2 Class of 2013 required to pass EOCs or comprehensive test Comprehensive/ Re-takes WASL re-takes available in April and Aug.HSPE available as a re-take in April and Aug. comprehensive test of new standards offered as a re-take in April and Aug. (Students passing math courses before can use comprehensive test)
Alignment to standards2010 Math MSP aligned to new (2008) standards Standards set by State Board in Summer 2010 Test length shortenedGrades 3-5: Single testing session ~75 minutes Grades 6-8: Single testing session ~90 minutes Reduction of constructedNo 4-point items response itemsNo more than 25% of points from 2-point items New item typesIntroduction of 1-point "Completion" items in 2010 Later test window5 week window for online math tests (May 3-June 4) 2-1/2 week window for paper/pencil math tests (May 12-28) 2010 score reports delayed due to std setting Online testingOnline testing voluntary in Grades 6-8 in 2010 Online testing voluntary in Gr. 5 and 4 in 2011 and 2012, respectively Alignment to standards2010 Math HSPE aligned to old standards End-of-Course tests aligned to new standards begin in 2011 Test length shortenedTotal testing time ~120 minutes May be given in one or two sessions (single-day testing) Reduction of constructedNo 4-point items response itemsNo more than 25% of points from 2-point items Test windowPaper/Pencil test given April 13 (No late window in HS)Student score reports to districts before June 10 Online testingNo online testing with HSPE until 2011 Online test for comprehensive test; EOC is Paper/Pencil ; given in intact classrooms MSP (Grades 3-8) HSPE (High School) Changes for 2010 Testing
Mathematics item and point totals: 2006 through 2011
Ensure high expectations and access to rigorous mathematics curriculum and instruction for each student every day