Welcome! Reminder: AMS meeting at UNLV on Saturday, April 30 & Sunday, May 1, Please apply to the AMS to organize a special session. Department Meeting April 9, :15 AM – 10:50 AM in CBC C128
Pi Mu Epsilon The Nevada Beta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon Pi Day event and Spring Induction of PME new members, was held March 12, 2010 at 12pm – 2pm (Organizers: Camilia Alvarez and Shipra De) New PME Office CDC 702 (Building 7) To help facilitate interaction with our undergraduate students Our undergraduate majors will be invited to our Spring “barbecue” Possible dates for Spring barbecue: either Thursday April 29 after 1pm or Friday April 30 (tentative, not yet official) Separately, possible will be sent from Annabella Starks Do we want starting in the Fall, an informal gathering from 1:30 – 2:30 every Tuesday in CDC Building 10 Conference Room or Sandbox?
UNLV Ranking UNLV marginally at Carnegie 1 ranking DMS PhD program, DMS research/grants vital to this ranking. Can not afford to increase DMS teaching loads (UNLV and DMS future at stake) Congratulations to David Hanasch: awarded National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship (Possibly $16,000/year; not sure yet as not yet announced.)
Spring Enrollment Numbers Tenured Faculty Count Spring 2009 Total 1025 Spring 2010 Total 1/5/ (10.34% increase) Mon. 1/11/ (9.1% increase) Fri. 1/15/ (6.4% increase) Spring 2010Spring 09 Math 095/096 Online92110 Math 095 In Class Math 096 In Class Math Math 122/ Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Level Math Math Stat Stat Stat 463/ /600/700 level math/stat & Mat/Sta; other than Math431 and Stat391/463/ Total Total w/o 095/
Fall 2010 Schedule As I expected, currently a disaster First semester in which PeopleSoft (with AdAstra) was used, instead of SIS. Current system did not allow room requests!! Raelynn from Scheduling still adding the auditoriums to our calculus classes AdAstra is not up for fall to check for available rooms (summer is available) We expect to be working on fixing the schedule to match our actual requested fall schedule through early summer. In spite of the mess, registration starts Monday April 12, 2010
1. Sent out to potential applicants advertisements, 1568 of postcards, 1004 posters to universities. 2. We had 66 applicants: 50 complete and offers to 26 with current deadline of Friday, April 16, Checking into providing small additional support for incoming graduates. 4. Please let us know if you have contacts to send postcards and/or posters 5. Facebook (setting up an account next week) Annual Graduate Student Recruitment
SOAR Student, Orientation, Advising, & Registration Working with SOAR (and many other units) on the Math Placement Test dates, online placement test registration, online payments, etc., etc., …….. May SOAR dates: 14, 19, 21, 22, 27, 28 June SOAR dates: 11, 17, 18, 25 July SOAR dates: 1, 17 August SOAR dates: 7, 19 Very Helpful: Engineering, English and others
On-Line Payment for Math Placement Exam Web Communications (Barbara Childs) Controllers Office Wells Fargo – Create online account Authorize.net – Processor of the payments Admissions (Suzane Espinoza and Kivanc Oner) – initiate creation of online Math Placement registration form consistent with SOARS. Student Technology (Geetha Sendhil) – currently programming the registration form
General Information We have updated THAM Still working on Administrative Assistants Job elements Concerned about bumping Reminder: AMS meeting at UNLV on Saturday, April 30 & Sunday, May 1, Please apply to the AMS to organize a special session.
Call to Order Announcements Approval of 11/20/09 Departmental Meeting Minutes Committee Reports (Merit, Advisory, Graduate, Undergraduate) Mid-Tenure Reviews/Reports New Business Adjournment Meeting Agenda