College and Career Readiness Benchmarks Predicting ACT Score Selecting H.S. Courses (informed choice)
Students would be expected to receive roughly the same score on Explore and Plan if they took both tests on the same day. Each PLAN score is interpretable as the ACT test score that a student would be expected to achieve if that student had taken the ACT the same day as the PLAN test.
Core = MINIMUM number of courses recommended for college preparedness.
Assumes the student will continue to progress through their coursework. EXPLORE has a similar predictor for the PLAN.
A prediction for success (B or better) in an entry level college course
Based on a career interest inventory the students took before the test began.
One test is only so accurate at assessing knowledge gained. - Daily Factors (diet, fatigue, motivation, outside stressors) - Does not asses knowledge in other subject areas where students may excel (i.e. Social Studies, technological aptitude, interpersonal skills, etc…) EnglishMathReadingScience PLAN EXPLORE
See inside of your results report Hard work in school – “work smarter” Take the appropriate coursework Be at your best on test day
The Arrowhead Course Guide – (online) is starting to give EXPLORE and PLAN scores as “predictors of success” in certain courses ◦ English ◦ Social Studies ◦ Science
Schools are using data more and more Everyone takes these tests Assesses specific skills
English 10 Honors ◦ EXPLORE: Reading - 23 ◦ Lexile: 1350 British Literature ◦ PLAN: Reading – 23 AP English Literature ◦ PLAN: Reading - 23 ◦ Lexile: 1350
AP European History ◦ EXPLORE: Reading - 23 ◦ Lexile: 1350 AP US History ◦ EXPLORE: Reading - 23 ◦ Lexile: 1350
Biology Honors: ◦ EXPLORE: Science, Math, Reading -21 AP Biology: ◦ PLAN: Math and Science Average -23 Chemistry Honors: ◦ PLAN: Science, Math, Reading -22 ◦ EXPLORE: Science, Math, Reading -21 AP Chemistry: ◦ PLAN: Math and Science Average -23 AP Physics B1: ◦ PLAN: Math and Science Average -23 ◦ EXPLORE: Science, Math, Reading -22 AP Physics: ◦ PLAN: Math and Science Average -23
Refer to the Course Guide. (Can be found on the Arrowhead website under “district pubs and info”) Contact your son/daughter’s counselor A - G: Mr. Stuber H - O: Mrs. Whyte P – Z: Mr. Ward