Md.Zulfikar Ali Asst. Teacher Jamira Bazar Asmotia School& College Presented by
Class-VI. Sub-English Grammar Time-50 minutes
After this lesson the SS will able to learn
Details of countable & uncountable noun,concrete & abstract noun
What’s your name?
Sumon is driving a toy car.
The bear is singing.
Sumon is driving a toy car. Here Sumon is a name. The bear is singing. Here Bear is a name.
Name = Noun. So, Noun and Name are same. But their spelling are different.
So what will be our lesson today?
Kamal is going to school. Here Kamal is a name. So, Kamal is a noun.
The girls are dancing. Here girls is a name. So, girls is a noun.
The class protests early marriage. Here class is a name. So, class is a noun.
We can not drink salty water. Here water is a name. So, water is a noun.
Her kindness is known to us. Here kindness is a name. So, kindness is a noun.
Kamal Kamal is the name of a particular boy. So, Kamal is a proper noun. Girls Girls is a common name. So girls is a common noun. Class Class is the name of a collection or a group of students. So, class is a collective noun. Water Water is the name of a material or thing. So water is a material noun. Kindness Kindness is the name of a quality or an abstract idea. So kindness is an abstract noun.
Kamal Proper Noun. Girls Common Noun Class Collective Noun Water Material Noun Kindness Abstract Noun
Individual Work Classify these nouns. Cow; Team; Milk; Poverty; Bangladesh;
Kamal Proper Noun. Girls Common Noun Class Collective Noun Water Material Noun Kindness Abstract Noun Countable NounUncountable Noun
Pair work: Write five countable noun and five uncountable noun
Kamal Proper Noun. Girls Common Noun Class Collective Noun Water Material Noun Kindness Abstract Noun Concrete NounAbstract Noun
Group work: Write noun with its classification from these pictures `
Home Work Write five examples on Proper noun, Common noun and Abstract noun.