Welcome to Mrs. Bonebrake’s 5 th Grade Class
Thanks for joining us! Read the letter from your student Look through the folder of information found at their seat
I Appreciate You! Helping your student to become – Independent – Questioning – Resourceful – Problem-solving Asking questions – of me AND your student “Loaning” your child to me every day
Philosophy of Education Education seems to be a cycle of constant change As educators, we see both the need for consistency and also the mandate to change The idea that students can learn all they need to know if they get enough education is no longer true. Today’s children exist in a knowledge-rich environment Therefore, the task of education has become to give our students – critical-thinking skills – problem-solving skills – move toward independent, productive citizens.
Grading Procedures Daily work – = I have seen the work and it is satisfactory – Ratio – Ex. 9/12 = Number correct / Number possible – “See Me” = there is something I want to discuss – could be great work or room for improvement Report Card 4 = exceeds grade level expectations 3 = meets grade level expectations 2 = not yet achieving grade level expectations 1 = far below grade level expectations Homework Folders
Power School If you do not have a Power School account, we encourage you to take the time to set one up. If you have one and have forgotten the password please let us know and we can reset your password for you. You will receive a letter tonight showing you how you will be able to access your child's future test scores through Power Schools. Test score will no longer be sent home by the teacher or by mail.
Language Arts We use Standards-based grading for all Language Arts. We will be grading every subject in 5 th grade using this numeric system.
Reading 5th grade students will use the Harcourt Reading textbook along with other supplemental reading materials. There will be an increased emphasis on reading non-fiction and informational grade-level text. Students have received information concerning the “40-Book Challenge”! We will have a literature-rich environment.
Vocabulary 5 th grade uses 2 different instructional programs to build our students’ working vocabulary. Wordly Wise – Students will have a lesson in this book every two weeks. Root Words – Students will have a root word (Greek or Latin) every week. Example – – Wordly Wise Lesson 2 – begun on 9/9 – Test on 9/19 – Root Word “spec” – begun on 9/16 – Test on 9/20
Spelling We will be using a program called Words Their Way Teaches spelling patterns Integrates assessment into students’ daily usage. there will be weekly spelling quizzes - used as informative assessments The assessment for the report card will come from students spelling in everyday writing.
Writing Students will be asked to write more this year than perhaps they have ever written before. The emphasis in 5 th grade is: – produce clear and coherent writing – demonstrates development of an idea – organization with support. This will extend across all curricular areas. “Complete, telling sentences” = sentences that begin with a capital, end with an end mark, and restate the question T-R-E-E paragraphs
Mathematics Math in 5 th grade is all about developing a strong number sense and using multiple ways to represent how we work with numbers. There are three “Big Ideas” that are the focus of 5 th grade. Things you will see this year that may be new to you are multiple ways to model and different problem-solving strategies. Fact mastery is vital to future success
Unit 1 Addition and subtraction of multi-digit whole numbers to mastery Addition and subtraction of fractions, mixed numbers, and decimal numbers to the thousandths place Deeper understanding of the number system An introduction to algebraic thinking using these operations.
Unit 2 Multiplication and division of multi-digit whole numbers to mastery Multiplication and division of fractions, mixed numbers, and decimal numbers to the thousandths place Deeper understanding of the number system An introduction to algebraic thinking using these operations.
Unit 3 Geometric figures Measurement Area and perimeter More beginning algebraic concepts
Math/Science Connection Topics such as: o data collection o Data representation o Data analysis will be included with some activities as cross- curricular.
Science There are three units in our Science study in 5 th grade. They are: Unit 1 – Matter Unit 2 – Living Systems Unit 3 – Earth’s Systems The Scientific Method will be used throughout each unit of study.
Social Studies The 5 th grade year is characterized by: exploration of the New World settlement and creation of the United States creation of our government responsibilities of citizenship. Geography skills are also built and expanded Students will be expected to learn the regions of the U.S. and their natural resources. We will study in depth the formation of our nation through the Civil War and Reconstruction Era.
PACE PACE is also an important part of 5 th grade. This is a Westada District-wide research / writing / speaking project We begin this project in December - January and our final presentation date is usually in late February. This is a project completed almost exclusively at school and more information will be coming.
Homework Expectations A general guideline for homework is to expect about 45 – 60 minutes. This might include (but are not limited to): Reading – – 20 – 25 minutes per night – students keep track on their own Word Study – – Wordly Wise, Root Word, Spelling – study words, practice spelling, word hunts – 15 minutes Work Completion - – Work not completed during class time – 10 – 20 minutes Skills Practice - – Math facts, memorization practice, etc.
Things that could / should come home: Assignment log with daily work written on it Spelling words & patterns Vocabulary words (Wordly Wise book, root word paper) Math practice pages Social Studies – maps, writing prompts, memorizations, study materials, discussion topics Science – vocabulary words and concept papers, possibly experiment ideas to try at home
Meeting Needs / Challenging All Students In the 4 th and 5 th grade teams, we will be offering instruction and intervention for every level of learner in Reading and Math. Students will be grouped according to skill development and each 5 th grade teacher will instruct a different skill. These will change and rotate throughout the year, so your student may have Mrs. Kalinski, Mrs. Haycock, Mrs. Bonebrake, Mrs. Spenner, Mr. Partin, Ms. Geis, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Critser, or Mrs. Busak during this time. Our goal is to establish, enhance, and extend primary skills for every student.
Extras Website – District site, then school Box Tops Birthdays/Celebrations – one at the end of each trimester Book Orders – online / hard copy Volunteers Classroom Volunteers Volunteering at Home Thanks!
A Parting Thought...