Due Dec. 3 Trimester 1 Week 13 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk Independent Study Assignments
Housekeeping Schedule and phone contact Sub Dec. 3 PE-Hike Tuesday 5 PE Credits due Tuesday Or 2 ½ Page Persuasive Essay Grades Due Thanksgiving Progress Reports Benchmark Results PE Credits Grade Work Assignment Sheet PE Stamped work Math Science Social Studies Languages Arts
Book Report Point Totals Persuasive Essay=40 points Title/Standards=5 points Jack London Picture=5 points Timeline =20 points Plot Map=20 points Neatness/Creativity/Attractiveness=10 points Total=100 points of test grade
Language Arts Main Objectives This Week: Know what “shades of meaning” of words is Know what the meaning of the vocabulary words in “Thunder Butte” (Quiz in class next week!) Know what Possessive Adjectives are Know how to make different forms of a word by adding y, s, ed, ous, and able
Language Arts-T2 Week 2 ASSIGNMENTS: ______Read Ch. 1 and 2 of “Egypt Game.” Write a separate summary paragraph for each chapter. ______Integrated Language Pg.205 ______Selection Support Pg. 62, 63, 64, 65 ______Shades of Meaning Worksheet (in class) ______Drop the Y Worksheet (in class) Study for “Thunder Butte Test Grade_______ TW_________
Objectives Understand how to calculate percentages Know what a percent of something means Know how percents relate to fractions and decimals
6 th Grade Independent Study T2 Week 2 Due: December 10 Total Work Completed=_______% Name_______________ P.E. Math *5 P.E. Credits Due March1 Grade_________ Total Work_________ ____Chapter 6 Lesson 1. All. ____Chapter 6 Lesson 2. All. ____Ch. 5 Study Guide Pgs ____www.go.hrw.com (Lesson 6-1 and 6-2) Study Ch. 5 Test on Pg. 277…Ch. 5 Test is next week! Grade__________ Total Work____________
Science Main Objectives This Week: -Understand what buoyancy is -Know what makes some objects float and some to sink -Be able to use density formula to predict if something will float
Egypt…. Pg. 146 Video
Pyramids Video Take notes for test too!
Vocabulary DefineLand of Plenty Cataract Delta Silt Fertile Yearly floods….silt dropped FERTILE soil Desert….kept invaders away Picture Pg. 153
Objectives for this week… Identify the main geographical points in India Understand how the geography affected(s) Indian life Know where the first cities were built Know what climate issues effect india’s agriculture and lifestyle
History Assignments: _____Read Ch. 1 Lesson 4. Take Notes using Cornell Notes. _____Review Question Pg. 224 _____Go to and create a bar graph showing the rainfall in Pakistan for last year. Use graph paper, and follow directions on pg _____India Map Grade_____ TW______
New Story…”Thunder Butte” Pg. 192 Video Standards: -Shades -Multiple Paragraph Essays
Bring 3 Ring Binder next week! Writing Portfolio Insertable cover
Computer Social Studies Project
Daily Language Practice 1 sentence and 1 paragraph per week Fix sentences…. Fix Paragraph COPS 1.Capitalize Proper Nouns 2. Beginning of Sentences
Big Morongo Preserve Hike Poetry Planner Name______________________
Spelling Ex- -Means out or away from -We excluded him from our club. -I exhaled after holding my breathe.
Grammar Selection Support Principal Parts of Verbs Pg. 136 Present/Past/Past Participle Jump-is jumping/jumped/ has jumped
Imagery Word Pictures that appeal to the senses Sight Smell Touch Hearing Taste What are some for fall leaves? Hike Packet
Story….”Dust of Snow”…”My Picture-Gallery”…”Saying Yes” Standards: Imagery Figurative Language Vocabulary: Rued Suspended Tableaus Pg. 28
11:30-12 Testing/Conference Time TestsConference Zlateh Math Part A Notes Packet
Persuasive Essay Prewriting Read this book…or not!? Planning: Prompt: Write a persuasive essay telling your audience why they should or should not ready the Jack London book that you read this tri- mester. 1. Understand the task Read prompt CAREFULLY! Audience Purpose Voice 2. Decide what your position is Pros/Cons 3. Brainstorm Don’t forget the opposing view 4. Outline