WINDOWS Part 1 – Start Up Basics
Using the Computer Cold Boot Warm Boot Turning on the Computer Logging on the Computer Cold Boot May take a few minutes as your computer executes a series of steps to load the operating system Warm Boot Turn on the computer and wait for the Log In screen Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE Log in by inputting your username Example: 10alsmith Password Last four of your social Click the ENTER button
Use the Mouse Mouse – a hand-held device that you use to interact with the computer Input device used to: Point Make selections Mice come in many shapes, sizes, and styles
Mouse Techniques Pointing – moving the mouse to position the mouse pointer over an item Clicking – pressing the left button Double-clicking – pressing the left button twice quickly Dragging – point to an item, press & hold the left button, move the mouse to a new location then release the button Right-clicking – point to a item, press the right button
Your Desktop Taskbar
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Allows you to interact with the software using graphics & visual images such as icons Controls how you enter data and instructions and how the screen displays information
Icon (GUI) Quick Launch Buttons Start Button
Icons and Windows Icons Windows Icons Icons – small pictures that are symbols for what they represent Windows – rectangular shaped work area These look like windows That’s where the operating system got it’s name The use of icons and windows is called graphical user interface – GUI (gooey)
Displaying the Start Menu Cascading Menu Point to the Start button on the taskbar Click the Start button Point to All Programs on the Start menu Point to Accessories on the All Programs submenu Point to an open area of the desktop and then click the open area to close the Start menu, Accessories submenu, and All Programs submenu
Adding an Icon to the Desktop Click the Start button, point to My Computer on the Start menu, and click the right mouse button Click Show on Desktop on the shortcut menu Click an open area on the desktop to close the start menu
Starting A New Document Start the program (a new document will usually start automatically) Within a program: Select the New command on the File menu or under the Microsoft Office Button Click the New icon, usually the first icon to the left on the standard toolbar Use the keyboard shortcut for the New command (usually Control + N)
Saving A Document Saving – places a copy of a document in one of the computer’s disk drives May be saved in: Hard (internal) disk of the computer Removable medium CD ROM, Flash drive, or server (internal) disk This document will not be erased when your computer is shut down or you log off Save Often! Save any document you think you will need later You can save anytime the document is on the screen just after starting it, while you are working on it, or when you are done Save often as you work on a document so you will not lose it in case of power failure, the power cord is kicked, or other problem occurs
Steps To Save A Document On the Tool Bar, click on the Office Button Highlight ‘Save as’ and then select ‘97-2003’ This will save the file in Compatibility Mode as a .doc instead of a .dox The first time you save, the Save As dialog box appears & asks you where to save “Save in ____”
Shows all drives in your computer My Computer Shows all drives in your computer
Where To Save “C” – Hard drive “A” – 3.5” disk drive “D” – DVD/CD-RW drive “H” – server is usually (your folder size is 75 megabytes) Other drive letters vary Removable disk or flash drive must be inserted into the disk drive or USB port
Plugging a USB Flash Drive into a USB Port Plug the USB flash drive into a USB port on the computer Click on My Computer to open flash drive Locate device under removable storage Talk to students about how to open, create, close and eject a flash drive Important!!! Go to the task bar, right click, safely remove device
DELETING FILES Permanently deleted File goes to Recycle Bin From Server (H drive) From Floppy Disk/FlashDrive File goes to Recycle Bin From Hard Drive (C) Can be recovered or permanently deleted Recycle Bin – can reverse the delete by restore files Empty Recycle Bin – permanently deletes files
CLIPBOARD Clipboard – where text, images, etc. go when you copy or cut them until you paste them If you cut or copy and never paste, the items are saved to the clipboard which can fill up Use delete to remove items—not cut or copy!!!!
Keying Text Insertion point - the flashing line When typing, text is entered to left of the insertion point To erase an error to the left, use your backspace key. To erase an error to the right, use your delete key.
FONTS Font size - measured in points 12345678910111213141516171819202122 Font size - measured in points Serif fonts – have feet (Times New Roman) This is Times New Roman Sans Serif fonts – without feet (Arial) This is Arial TrueType fonts – scalable (can be sized)
Logging Off from the Computer Click the Start button on the taskbar and then point to Log Off on the Start menu Click Log Off Point to the Log Off button in the Log Off Windows dialog box Click the Log Off button
Shutting Down the Computer Point to the Turn off computer link on the Welcome screen Click Turn off computer Point to the Turn Off button in the Turn off computer dialog box Click the Turn Off button