Progress and Outcome Measures - Part 1 Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 1Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Progress and Outcome Measures Outcome and progress measures can be either categorical variables, e.g. success versus failure, or numeric variables, e.g. change in score on the Children's Global Assessment Scale. I have added progress and outcome measures on separate worksheets to my client demographics file and renamed the file ClientProgress.xls. To present the information on outcome and progress measures, we create tables and charts to present the data. While some of the charts are similar to those we created for the demographic descriptors of our client group, we will use line charts to include the dimension of time and change over time. The outcome measure that I have included for children's residential services is whether their exit from the facility was a planned completion or whether the placement disrupted because the child ran away, became unmanageable, etc. My outcome measure thus has two categories: completion and disruption. I will first present this variable individually with tables and charts, and then present a breakdown of outcome by the demographic variable of conservator. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 2Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
The data source is ClientProgress.xls We will use a list containing progress and outcome measures that I have created for my hypothetical agency in the file ClientProgress.xls. ClientProgress.xls contains three worksheets with data for 15 clients: the Demographics worksheet includes ID, Sex, Age, Conservator, and Prior days in care; the Outcomes worksheet contains ID and Outcome; and the Progress worksheet contains ID, Review number (8 per case) and Progress Score. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 3Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Save the data source file under a different name We will save the source data file under a different name so that we can start over with the original data file if needed. Save the file under the name ClientProgressReporting.xls. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 4Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add output worksheets to the workbook Add another worksheet to the workbook and name it PivotTables. We will use this worksheet for the pivot tables that we create. Add a new worksheet to the workbook, and change its name to Progress and Outcomes. We will use this worksheet for our tables and charts. This project requires that we add two worksheets to ClientProgressReporting.xls for our tables and charts. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 5Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Select PivotTable Report for Outcomes First, select a cell within the list, e.g. A1, on the Outcomes worksheet. Second, select the PivotTable and PivotChart Report command from the Data menu to open the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard dialog box. The first report we want is a breakdown of the different outcomes for our 15 cases. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 6Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Step 1: verify the source of data and kind of report Since the data for the table is in a Excel list from which we want to create a PivotTable, we accept the default data source and kind of report to create. Click on the Next button. Since the data for the table is in a Excel list from which we want to create a PivotTable, we accept the default data source and kind of report to create. Click on the Next button. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 7Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Step 2: verify the location of the data for the table Excel shows the range as the entire list, including the row for the headers. The outcome data is in cells A1 through B16. Since the list is the correct data source, click on the Next button to go to Step 3. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 8Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Step 3: locate the table on the output worksheet We want to put all the pivot tables we create on the one worksheet named PivotTables, so we click on the Existing worksheet option button. Finally, click on the Finish button to complete the table. In the text box, we type the worksheet name and cell for the upper left corner of the pivot table, PivotTables!A3. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 9Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Adding outcome to the table as the row variable Hold the mouse button down on the icon by the Outcome variable, drag the icon to the left and drop it on the section of the table marked Drop Row Fields Here. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 10Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
The pivot table with outcome as the row variable When Outcome was dropped as a row variable, Excel updated the pivot table, using the variable name as a header for the row variable, each category as a row in the table, and including grand total as the last row in the table. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 11Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Adding outcome to the table as the data item Hold the mouse button down on the icon by the Outcome variable and drag the icon to the left and drop it on the section of the table marked Drop Data Items Here. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 12Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
The pivot table with count of outcome as the data item When Outcome was dropped as a data item, Excel updated the pivot table, and added Count of Outcome to the table, shown in the row 3 above the row 2 variable, with the tallies shown in the column to the right of the row categories. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 13Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Copy the table to the clipboard Our next task is to copy the pivot table to the Progress and Outcomes worksheet. First, select the cells of the table, A4 through B7. Second, click on the Copy tool button to copy the table to the clipboard. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 14Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Copy clipboard table to progress/outcomes worksheet Second, click on the Paste tool button to put the clipboard copy of the table on the worksheet. First, navigate to the Progress and Outcomes worksheet and select cell A2. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 15Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add a title and improve formatting of the table First, autofit column A so that the letters in the categories and Grand Total are fully visible. Second, type a title for the table Breakdown of Outcomes into cell A1 above the table, and bold the font for the title. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 16Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Create a pie chart for breakdown of outcomes First, select the data for the chart, cells A3 through B4. Second, open the Chart tool bar and select the Pie Chart as the type of chart to create. After the basic pie chart has been created, close the Chart tool bar. We want a chart to accompany the table so that we can select the one that will be more effective in our presentation. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 17Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Position and resize the chart Re-position the chart so that its upper left corner is in cell C2. Resize the chart on the worksheet by dragging its handles. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 18Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add a title to the chart Right click on the chart and select Chart Options from the popup menu. On the Titles tab, type Breakdown of Outcomes in the Chart Title text box. Right click on the chart and select Chart Options from the popup menu. On the Titles tab, type Breakdown of Outcomes in the Chart Title text box. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 19Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Remove the legend from the chart To remove the legend from a chart, right click on the legend and select Clear from the popup menu. We will add category names and values as data labels to the slices of the pie chart. We do not need the legend, which does not really contain any useful information on its own. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 20Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Adding data labels to the pie slices Open the Format Data Series dialog box by right clicking on the plot area which contains the pie and selecting the Format Data Series command from the popup menu. In the Format Data Series dialog box, mark the Category name and Percentage check boxes on the Data Labels tab. Open the Format Data Series dialog box by right clicking on the plot area which contains the pie and selecting the Format Data Series command from the popup menu. In the Format Data Series dialog box, mark the Category name and Percentage check boxes on the Data Labels tab. When the data labels are added the size of the pie decreases. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 21Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Reduce the size of the title font Select the chart title, if necessary, and reduce the size of the text to 12 point Bold Arial. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 22Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Format the font for the data labels Format the data labels so that they are displayed in 8 point, Arial Bold. Since Excel re-scales the chart every time we change a part of it, we will reduce the size of the font for the data labels and see if this results in a better size pie. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 23Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Resizing the plot area Excel had resized the pie smaller than desired. We can enlarge the plot area by holding the mouse button down over the upper left handle and dragging upward, to the left. When the size of the plot area is increased, the pie is no longer centered on the chart. Center the pie on the chart by holding down the mouse button and drag the plot area down and to the right. When the size of the plot area is increased, the pie is no longer centered on the chart. Center the pie on the chart by holding down the mouse button and drag the plot area down and to the right. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 24Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Format the font for the data labels again When we resized the plot area, the font for the data labels was made too small by Excel. Format the data labels so that they are displayed in 8 point, Arial Bold. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 25Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add free text to chart to indicate the number of cases Since the pie chart shows only percentages in each category, we add a text box below the chart title to indicate the total number of cases represented by the pie chart in the format: (n = 15). Activate the drawing tool, if necessary, and click on the Text Box tool button. Click the insertion point under the title and type: (n = 15). Format the text as 9 point Arial Bold. Center the text box under the title as needed. Activate the drawing tool, if necessary, and click on the Text Box tool button. Click the insertion point under the title and type: (n = 15). Format the text as 9 point Arial Bold. Center the text box under the title as needed. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 26Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add a discussion text box at the base of the chart To add a discussion text box for the pie chart, click on the Text Box tool button and click an insertion point at the base of the chart. Type the text: At discharge, about two-thirds of the children have completed their prescribed program. The table and chart for the Breakdown of Outcomes are now complete. Resize the text box so that it has the same width as the chart. Format the font to 10 point Arial, and fill the background of the text box with White if the grid lines show through the text box, and make the border of the text box black. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 27Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Prevent chart re-sizing when rows/columns change By now, you may have noticed that when you put multiple tables and charts on one worksheet, changes in the dimensions of one table changes the size and appearance of the other charts on the worksheet. Excel makes available options that prevent this resizing. By now, you may have noticed that when you put multiple tables and charts on one worksheet, changes in the dimensions of one table changes the size and appearance of the other charts on the worksheet. Excel makes available options that prevent this resizing. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 28Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Turning off chart re-sizing First, double click on the chart to open the Format Chart Area dialog box and select the Properties tab. Second, mark the Move but don’t size with cells option button on the Object positioning panel. Click on the OK button to apply the change. Nothing changes in the appearance of the chart, but if you change the width of a column, you will see that the chart moves rather than re-sizes. Click on the OK button to apply the change. Nothing changes in the appearance of the chart, but if you change the width of a column, you will see that the chart moves rather than re-sizes. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 29Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Set the option to move text box without re-sizing Similarly, the text box will re-size with changes in row and column size unless we tell Excel otherwise. First, select the textbox as a text box object and right click. Select the Format Text Box item on the popup menu. Second, mark the Move but don't size with cells option button on the Object positioning panel on the Properties tab. Click on the OK button. Nothing changes in the appearance of the text box, but if you change the width of a column, you will see that the chart moves rather than re-sizes. Click on the OK button. Nothing changes in the appearance of the text box, but if you change the width of a column, you will see that the chart moves rather than re-sizes. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 30Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Create a table for outcomes by conservator While it makes logical sense to store demographic data for clients and outcome data for clients on separate worksheets, Excel does not support using multiple worksheets as the input source to a pivot table. To create a pivot table, we must put all of the data we need for the table into a single worksheet. To create a table of outcomes by conservator, we will add the conservator data to the outcomes worksheet, and create our table using the outcomes worksheet. The challenge is to add the correct conservator to the correct case in the outcomes worksheet. To add our demographic data to our outcomes worksheet, we use the VLOOKUP function which finds an entry from the demographic worksheet that matches a given value on the outcomes worksheet. Since we have id numbers in both the demographics and outcomes worksheets, we can use this as the basis for retrieving a child's conservator from the demographics worksheet. In effect, the lookup function will locate the child's id in the demographic database, and return the conservator for that specific child to the outcomes worksheet. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 31Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add Conservator field name to outcomes worksheet First, in cell C1 of the Outcomes worksheet, add the Conservator field name. Second, autofit the width of column C so that the full header is visible. Excel automatically adds to the list field names that are entered adjacent to the list. If we do not want this field permanently added to the list, we can delete it when we are finished. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 32Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Using Excel's function wizard We will use Excel's function wizard to assist us with the VLOOKUP function. First, select cell C2 as the destination where we will put the result of the VLOOKUP function. Second, select the Function command from the Insert menu. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 33Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Locate the VLOOKUP function by searching We will search for the VLOOKUP function in the Insert Function dialog box. The VLOOKUP function name will appear in the Select a function list box. Third, click on the OK button access the dialog box where the function arguments are entered. First, type VLOOKUP in the Search for a function text box. Second, click on the Go button. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 34Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
The arguments for the VLOOKUP function - 1 The Lookup_value for the first record in the database is ID 1001 in cell A2. The Table_array is all of the cells in the demographics database: Demographics!$A$1:$E$16. We include the $ signs so that the reference will stay the same when we copy the function to other cases in the list. The Table_array is all of the cells in the demographics database: Demographics!$A$1:$E$16. We include the $ signs so that the reference will stay the same when we copy the function to other cases in the list. The lookup function will look for the value in a specified cell on one worksheet in the first column of a list on another worksheet. In effect, the first two arguments tell Excel to look for the id of the first case in the list on the outcomes worksheet in the first column in the list on the demographics worksheet. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 35Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
The arguments for the VLOOKUP function - 2 The Col_index_num if the number of the column in which Conservator is located on the Demographics worksheet, column 4. Range_lookup is a true or false argument that tells Excel whether or not the table array is sorted by the first column. We will enter FALSE so that Excel looks for an exact match to the ID number. If the list were large, we would sort it first to reduce the time it takes VLOOKUP to find the correct record. Range_lookup is a true or false argument that tells Excel whether or not the table array is sorted by the first column. We will enter FALSE so that Excel looks for an exact match to the ID number. If the list were large, we would sort it first to reduce the time it takes VLOOKUP to find the correct record. Having filled in all of the arguments, we click on the OK button to continue. The third argument to the VLOOKUP function tells excel which item of information in the matching record in the list on the demographics worksheet to include on the outcomes worksheet. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 36Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
The results of the VLOOKUP function The lookup function entered Parent in cell C2. Excel entered Parent because it matched the ID in cell Outcomes!A2 to the ID in cell Demographics!A2, and returned the entry from column 4 in the list on the Demographics worksheet. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 37Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Copy the VLOOKUP function to the other cells We will fill the remaining records in the list on the Outcomes worksheet with the VLOOKUP function. First, select cells C2 through C16. Second, select the Fill > Down command from the Edit menu. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 38Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
The conservator data on the outcomes worksheet We now have the conservator data in the same list on the Outcomes worksheet, so we can now create the pivot table and chart. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 39Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Create a pivot table for Outcome by Conservator First, select cell A2 to use the list as the data source for the pivot table. Second, select the PivotTable and PivotChart Report command from the Data menu. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 40Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Step 1: verify the source of data and kind of report Since the data for the table is in a Excel list from which we want to create a PivotTable, we accept the default data source and kind of report to create. Click on the Next button. Since the data for the table is in a Excel list from which we want to create a PivotTable, we accept the default data source and kind of report to create. Click on the Next button. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 41Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Step 2: verify the location of the data for the table Excel shows the range as the entire list, including the row for the headers, A1 through C16. Selecting the entire table will enables us to choose any field in the list for our table in a later step. Since the list is the correct data source, click on the Next button to go to Step 3. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 42Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Step 2: choose to use the same source data - 1 Excel created its own copy of the data used for the first pivot table. We can use that source if we choose so we do not make a second internal copy of the data which would increase the size of the application. Click on the Yes button to reuse the source data. Apparently Excel adds the new field in the list to its copy of the data in the list, even though the field was not in the list used to create the first pivot table. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 43Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Step 2: choose to use the same source data - 2 Since the first pivot table we created contains the original copy of the data, we choose it. Click on the Next button to reuse the source data for pivot table 1 and go to Step 3. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 44Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Step 3: locate the table on an existing worksheet Finally, click on the Finish button to complete the table. In the text box, we type the worksheet name and cell for the upper left corner of the pivot table, PivotTables!A12. This will position this table below the first pivot table we created. On step 3 of the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard, we indicate the destination worksheet for the report. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 45Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Adding outcome to the table as the row variable Excel automatically navigates to the new worksheet containing the completed pivot table for breakdown of outcomes by conservator. Hold the mouse button down on the icon by the Outcome variable, drag the icon to the left and drop it on the section of the table marked Drop Row Fields Here. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 46Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
The pivot table with outcome as the row variable When Outcome was dropped as a row variable, Excel updated the pivot table, using the variable name as a header for the row variable, each category as a row in the table, and including grand total as the last row in the table. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 47Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Adding conservator to table as column variable Hold the mouse button down on the icon by the Conservator variable, drag the icon to the left and drop it on the section of the table marked Drop Column Fields Here. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 48Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
The pivot table with conservator as column variable When Conservator was dropped as a column variable, Excel updated the pivot table, using the variable name as a header for the column variable, each category as a column in the table, and including grand total as the last column in the table. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 49Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Adding outcome to the table as the data item Hold the mouse button down on the icon by the Outcome variable, drag the icon to the left and drop it on the section of the table marked Drop Data Items Here. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 50Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
The pivot table with count of outcome as the data item When Outcome was dropped as a data item, Excel updated the pivot table, and added Count of Outcome to the table, shown in row 12 above the row variable header in row 13. The counts for each combination of categories are shown in the columns to the right of the row categories. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 51Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Copying the grand total row to the clipboard To compare groups in charts, the comparison must be done using percents rather than counts, especially when the groups have different numbers of cases. Before we convert to percents, we first copy the total number for each column to the row below the table to preserve the information about the number of cases in each group. First, select the Grand Total row, cells A16 through E16. Second, click on the Copy tool button to copy the table to the clipboard. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 52Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Pasting the clipboard row below the pivot table First, select cell A17 beneath the pivot table as the destination for a row containing the column totals copied to the clipboard. Second, click on the Paste tool button to paste the clipboard copy of the column totals. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 53Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Change the display for count of outcome to percent We want to change the display of data for Count of Outcome from the numeric count to a percentage. First, right click on cell A12 that contains Count of Outcome. Second, select Field Settings from the popup menu. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 54Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Expand the options for the count of outcome field In the PivotTable Field dialog box, we click on the Options button to expand the dialog box so that it displays additional choices for displaying the data. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 55Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Show data as percent of column In the Show data as drop down menu, select % of column as the display for this variable. This will calculate the percentage of the column total for each cell in the column. In the Show data as drop down menu, select % of column as the display for this variable. This will calculate the percentage of the column total for each cell in the column. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 56Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Apply the change in data display Click on the OK button to apply the percentage display to the columns in the Count of Outcome table. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 57Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Copy table to progress and outcomes worksheet A pivot table is dynamic in the sense that Excel includes tools to make it easy to change. While this makes a pivot table very useful for analyzing data, it makes it awkward to chart the data. We will convert the pivot table to a static set of cells containing only text on the worksheet for our tables and charts. First, select the cells of the table, A13 through E17. Second, click on the Copy tool button to copy the table to the clipboard. Fourth, Paste the clipboard copy of the table. Third, navigate to cell A20 on the Progress and Outcomes worksheet. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 58Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Remove extra decimal places from percentages If necessary, remove extra decimal places from the percentages by clicking on the Decrease Decimal tool button. First, select cells B21 through E23 which contain the percentages for which we want to reduce the number of decimals. Second, click on the Decrease Decimal tool button as many times as needed to remove all decimal places from the percentages. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 59Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Replace the row and column total headers Excel has labeled both the row total in row 23 and the column total in column E as Grand Total. Replace Grand Total in E20 with Row Total. Replace Grand Total in A23 with Column Total. Replace Grand Total in A24 with Number of Cases. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 60Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add a title and improve formatting of the table First, autofit columns A through E so that the letters in in all labels are fully visible. Second, type a title for the table Breakdown of Outcome by Conservator into cell A18 above the table, and bold the font for the title. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 61Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add a title for conservator categories First, enter Conservator as a title for the table column headers in cell B19. Second, select cells B19 through E19 as the conservator categories that we want to center the title over. Third, click on Merge and Center tool button to center the title over the conservator categories. Fourth, add a border around cells B19 through E19 to match other borders in the table. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 62Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Create bar chart for outcome by conservator First, select the data for the chart, cells A20 through D22. Second, open the Chart tool bar and select the Bar Chart as the type of chart to create. After the basic bar chart has been created, close the Chart tool bar. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 63Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Position and resize the chart Move the chart so that its top, left corner is in the upper left corner of cell A25. After the upper left corner is positioned, scroll the worksheet so that Row 25 is at the top of the window. Move the chart so that its top, left corner is in the upper left corner of cell A25. After the upper left corner is positioned, scroll the worksheet so that Row 25 is at the top of the window. Resize the chart on the worksheet by dragging its handles. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 64Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add a title to the chart Right click on the chart and select Chart Options from the popup menu. On the Titles tab, type Breakdown of Outcome by Conservator in the Chart Title text box. Right click on the chart and select Chart Options from the popup menu. On the Titles tab, type Breakdown of Outcome by Conservator in the Chart Title text box. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 65Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Position the legend under the title I will need to retain the legend so that we can identify the outcome groups. However, I do not like the position of the legend on the right of the chart, so I position it at the top of the chart below the title. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 66Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Adding data labels to the bars To add data labels, double click on a bar to open the Format Data Series dialog box, and mark the check box for Value on the Data Labels tab. This step must be repeated for both the blue and the maroon bars. To add data labels, double click on a bar to open the Format Data Series dialog box, and mark the check box for Value on the Data Labels tab. This step must be repeated for both the blue and the maroon bars. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 67Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Reduce the size of the title font Select the chart title and reduce the size of the text to 12 point Bold Arial. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 68Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Format the font for data labels, legend, and axes Format the data labels, the labels on both axes, and the text in the legend, so that all are displayed in 8 point, Arial Bold. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 69Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Clear the plot area background color and grid lines Right click on the Plot Area of the bar chart and select Clear from the popup menu. This will clear the gray background color from the plot area. Right click on a grid line and select Clear from the popup menu. This will clear the grid lines from the plot area. Right click on the Plot Area of the bar chart and select Clear from the popup menu. This will clear the gray background color from the plot area. Right click on a grid line and select Clear from the popup menu. This will clear the grid lines from the plot area. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 70Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Reverse the order of the category axis Reverse the order of the category (vertical) axis so that the order of the categories matches the data table used to create the table. The child welfare group will be at the top of the axis, and the parent group will be at the bottom of the axis. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 71Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Re-scale the value axis to go from 0% to 100% Excel will fit the chart to the largest percentage in the data set, 71%. We will force it to go to 100% so that percentage charts can be compared. Double click on the value axis and change the maximum scale value to 1.0 for 100%, and the major unit to 0.25 for 25% increments on the axis. Excel will fit the chart to the largest percentage in the data set, 71%. We will force it to go to 100% so that percentage charts can be compared. Double click on the value axis and change the maximum scale value to 1.0 for 100%, and the major unit to 0.25 for 25% increments on the axis. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 72Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Increase the width of the bars To increase the width of the bars, double click on a bar, and click the down arrow on the Gap width spinner on the Options tab until the gap width equals 50. Reducing the gap will increase the width of the bar. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 73Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add the number of cases in each group - 1 It would be helpful information to include the number of cases in each conservator group. However, adding multiple instances of free text can clutter up our chart. Instead, we will embed the number of cases in the label for each group. Scroll to the row 18 of the worksheet, and select cell B20, which contains the label Child Welfare. Click an insertion cursor to the end of the label. Hold down the Alt key and press the Enter key to force the cursor to go to another line. Type (n=7) on the second line. Complete the entry by pressing the Enter key. Scroll to the row 18 of the worksheet, and select cell B20, which contains the label Child Welfare. Click an insertion cursor to the end of the label. Hold down the Alt key and press the Enter key to force the cursor to go to another line. Type (n=7) on the second line. Complete the entry by pressing the Enter key. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 74Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add the number of cases in each group - 2 When the Enter key is pressed, the change is made to the category label in the chart. Repeat the procedure to add the number of cases to the Juvenile Department and Parent groups. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 75Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add the number of cases in each group - 3 The category labels with the number of cases are now visible on the chart for all conservator groups. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 76Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Add a discussion text box at the base of the chart To add a discussion text box for the bar chart, click on the Text Box tool button and click an insertion point at the base of the chart. Type the text in the text box: Children in the conservatorship of the juvenile department had the lowest rate of program completions.. The chart for the Breakdown of Sex by Conservator are now complete. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 77Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Prevent chart re-sizing when rows/columns change First, double click on the chart to open the Format Chart Area dialog box and select the Properties tab. Second, mark the Move but don’t size with cells option button on the Object positioning panel. Third, click on the OK button to apply the change. Nothing changes in the appearance of the chart, but if you change the width of a column, you will see that the chart moves rather than re-sizes. Third, click on the OK button to apply the change. Nothing changes in the appearance of the chart, but if you change the width of a column, you will see that the chart moves rather than re-sizes. We will prevent the chart from being re-sized when we change the width or height of columns on the worksheet. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 78Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin
Set the option to move text box without re-sizing Similarly, the text box will re-size with changed in row and column size unless we tell Excel otherwise. First, select the textbox as a text box and right click. Select the Format Text Box item on the popup menu. Second, mark the Move but don't size with cells option button on the Object positioning panel on the Properties tab. Third, click on the OK button. Nothing changes in the appearance of the text box, but if you change the width of a column, you will see that the chart moves rather than re-sizes. Third, click on the OK button. Nothing changes in the appearance of the text box, but if you change the width of a column, you will see that the chart moves rather than re-sizes. Progress and Outcome Measures Part 1, Slide 79Copyright © 2004, Jim Schwab, University of Texas at Austin