Ancient Egypt
Pyramids ▪There are about 138 pyramids in Egypt ▪These are some examples of where the pyramids are in Egypt ▪Giza ▪Abusir ▪Saqqarah ▪The pyramids are mostly made of lime stone, granite, clay, sand, and a specil type of mud ▪Pyramids are mostly made for Pharohs and Kings and Queens ▪The Pyramid that Tutankhmun is in is called the Valley of the Kings
Pharaoh ▪Pharaohs usally became Pharaohs because they were the oldest son of the Phoaraoh that had recently died ▪Another way that an Egyptian could become a Pharaoh was to assoicate with the god Horus ▪Most Pharaohs wore decorated sandals and large amounts of jewelry ▪Pharaohs also wore cloths made of linen and head peices called nemes ▪The linen showed that who ever wore it was wealthy ▪One of the Pharaohs responsibilties was keeping the order and defeat the enemies of the country
Burial Customs ▪ The preparation of the body, the magic rituals involved, and the grave goods provided were all parts of a proper Egyptian funeral. ▪Like pharaohs were put in there tombs with food jewls and anything that they thought would be nessacry for the after life.
Hieroglyphics ▪Hieroglyphics are like the alphabet but in Ancient Egypt ▪Hieroglyphics is how Egyptians wrote notes to each other, read things and soo much more.