Year 2 Excursion Albion Park Museum
Recess When we got to Albion park we had recess.For recess I had honey soy chips,1 mini muffin and juice. Yum!
Up the stairs After we had recess we went on the stairs of a big Qantas plane and took many photos.
1st Class Next we went inside the aeroplane. We went to the front of the aeroplane. When we got to the front of the aeroplane told us that it was first class and many other things about the aeroplane.
Engines After that we went into a room. In the room there were 15 engines. The engines had many parts in them.
Small Air force Plane Next we went on a air force plane. It was different to all the other planes because it was 2 seated.
Big Air force Plane This time we went on a big air force plane. We sat down on the seats. Behind us there were red nets.
Army Helicopter After that we went to see a army helicopter. It was huge!
Connie Next we went on a plane called Connie. It was dark inside Connie.
Lunch After we went on Connie we had lunch. For lunch I had a roll with ham and butter, 1 mini muffin and the rest of my juice.
Back to School After lunch we got our bags got on the bus and went back to school. That was a great excursion!
Thanks for Watching By Emma Barbi