The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt By. Nate Sorenson
What For? Pyramids were built in Ancient Egypt as tombs, or burial places, for Egyptian pharaohs, or kings. The Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife, so it was very important to them to protect the bodies of their pharaohs. In order to keep the body of the pharaoh safe, the insides of the pyramids were like mazes with secret doors and dead- end passages. The pharaoh would be near the bottom or even underground. Other rooms contained things like jewelry and furniture that the pharaoh might want in his next life.
What Kind of Pyramid? The earliest Egyptian pyramids were step pyramids. During the Third dynasty of Egypt, the architect Imhotep built Egypt's first step pyramid, the pyramid of Djoser. By the time of the Fourth dynasty of Egypt, plans had changed into the transformation of the "true pyramid“, the smooth sided pyramid you see when you think of Egyptian pyramids.
CONSTRUCTION How did they do it?
Material During the earliest period, pyramids were constructed entirely of stone. Limestone from local quarries was the material of choice for the main body of these pyramids, while a higher quality of limestone quarried at Tura (near modern Cairo) was used as the outer casing. In the early pyramids, the layers of stone forming the pyramid body were laid sloping inwards; however, this setup was found to be less stable than simply stacking the stones horizontally on top of each other.
Construction One of the major problems faced by the early pyramid builders was the need to move huge quantities of rock. estimated that 45 workers would be required to start moving a 16,300 kg lubricated block, or eight workers to move a 2,750 kg block. The slaves used a variety ramps to pull the large sandstone blocks. On to the pyramid base.
Slave Labor Some scientists now say that the supposed slavery used in the construction in the pyramids is wrong. archaeologists now believe that at least the Great Pyramids of Giza were built by tens of thousands of skilled workers who camped near the pyramids and worked for a salary.
A Grave robbers nightmare
Khufu’s Pyramid is the most famous and the most complex pyramid of all. Inside the pyramid were about 5 rooms. Khufu’s Burial chamber was in the center of the pyramid. The Queen’s chamber was located below it. Above and on the sides of those rooms were air shafts for the workers. A large hallway called the Great Gallery. The original entrance is sealed up but archeologists dug a new entrance.
By Nate S.