Air Traffic Management activities in ETSI Jørgen Friis Deputy Director-General DOCUMENT #:GSC13-GRSC6-23r1 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:Jørgen Friis AGENDA.


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Presentation transcript:

Air Traffic Management activities in ETSI Jørgen Friis Deputy Director-General DOCUMENT #:GSC13-GRSC6-23r1 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:Jørgen Friis AGENDA ITEM:4.5 Submission Date: June 27, 2008

2 ETSIs most current activities on ATM –ETSI is responding to the EU Single European Sky (SES) initiative (Interoperability regulation). ETSI will produce Community Specifications in response to Mandates from the European Commission in co-operation with CEN, CENELEC other civil aviation organizations like EUROCAE and EUROCONTROL –ETSI is developing aeronautical communications standards (VHF, UHF communications). The SES initiative is a big one, but doesnt cover the whole sector. ETSI also produces standards under the RTTED and EMC directives for ATM equipment and investigating its possible contribution into airworthiness certification managed by EASA –ETSI membership includes leading companies and organizations from this industry sector (Boeing, EADS, Fraport, SELEX, DFS, CAA UK etc.) Highlight of Current Activities (1)

3 Challenges The key challenge is that the work in aeronautical sector requires significant co-operation efforts inside and outside Europe. Especially co-operation inside Europe within the Framework of the SES initiative: –European Commission; –EUROCAE; –EUROCONTROL; –EASA; –CEN; –CENELEC –the need to co-ordinate with military institutions. Outside Europe ETSIs partners are ICAO, ITU and RTCA.

4 Next Steps/Actions ETSI is looking for strengthening its relationships with partners in other parts of the world on ATM related activities.

5 Supplemental Slides

Legal background to standardization in Air Traffic Management (ATM) in Europe K.-D. Ehrhardt DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

7 Single European Sky Regulations (SES) Regulation on the provision of air Navigation service Framework Regulation Regulation on the organisation and use of the airspace Regulation on the interoperability The SES legislative package: Framework Regulation: (EC) 549/2004 Service provision Regulation (EC) 550/2004 Airspace Regulation (EC) 551/2004 Interoperability Regulation (EC) 552/2004 all published in OJEU L96,

8 Content of the Framework Regulation Regulation on the provision of air Navigation service Framework Regulation Regulation on the organisation and use of the airspace Regulation on the interoperability Objective Definitions Safeguards National supervisory authorities (NSA) Single Sky Committee (SSC) Industry Consultation Body (ICB) Sanctions Consultation of stakeholders Performance review Statement by the Member States on military issues

9 Content of the Interoperability Regulation Regulation on the provision of air Navigation service Framework Regulation Regulation on the organisation and use of the airspace Regulation on the interoperability Essential requirements Implementing rules Community specifications EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use of constituents EC declaration of verification of systems Safeguards Notified bodies Transitional arrangements -> IR -> CS

10 Interoperability-Regulation (1) Is an immediately binding part of the implementation of the European Aviation policy according Article 80 of the Treaty Defines Essential Requirements (ER) for systems, constituents and procedures of the European Air Traffic Management network (EATMN) Empowers European Commission together with the Single European Sky Committee to enact more detailed binding Community legislation (e.g. to refine Essential Requirements, to ease the implementation of new technologies or operational concepts)

11 Interoperability-Regulation (2) Extends the European Standardization System to cover Air Traffic Management through Community Specifications (CS): – CS are produced by the ESO in cooperation (mandatory!) with EUROCAE in response to a mandate issued by the Commission according 98/34 procedure [M/354 (withdrawn), M/390, M/408], or –In case of matters of operational coordination between air navigation service providers by EUROCONTROL in response to a mandate issued by the Commission [CS on Online Data Interchange (OLDI), ATC Message Handling System (AMHS), Initial Flight Plan (IFP) etc.] Removes the exemption of civil used ATM equipment from the provisions of the R&TTE Directive (indirectly through the transition arrangements) [M/405]

12 ER Art 3 (1)aArt 3 (1)b Art 3 ( 2) Harmonized Standard (HS) ER IR Community Specification (CS) R&TTE Directive Interoperability Regulation ETSI EG ETSI TR

13 ER Art 3 (1)aArt 3 (1)b Art 3 (2) Harmonized Standard (HS) ER IR Community Specification (CS) R&TTE Directive Interoperability Regulation ETSI EG ETSI TR Example: A-SMGCS M/405 M/390

14 ER Art 3 (1)aArt 3 (1)b Art 3 (2) Harmonized Standard (HS) ER IR Community Specification (CS) R&TTE Directive Interoperability Regulation ETSI EG ETSI TR ideal world A-SMGCS M/405 M/390 ICAO provisions ITU provisions

15 ER Art 3 (1)aArt 3 (1)b Art 3 (2) Harmonized Standard (HS) ER IR Community Specification (CS) R&TTE Directive Interoperability Regulation ETSI EG ETSI TR real world (1) A-SMGCS M/405 M/390 ITU provisions ICAO provisions ?

16 ER Art 3 (1)aArt 3 (1)b Art 3 (2) Harmonized Standard (HS) ER IR Community Specification (CS) R&TTE Directive Interoperability Regulation ETSI EG ETSI TR real world (2) A-SMGCS M/405 M/390 ITU provisions ICAO provisions ? NSA P&T regulator

17 ER Art 3 (1)aArt 3 (1)b Art 3 (2) Harmonized Standard (HS) ER IR Community Specification (CS) R&TTE Directive Interoperability Regulation ETSI EG ETSI TR real world (3) VHF radio EN M/405 ITU provisions ICAO provisions ? EN No European Commission Mandate due to intervention of ASD although needed by ETSI members! Note: ASD = Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe

18 Community Specifications ETSI Scoping Report and Work Programme (STF 293) –ETSI TR European Commission Mandate M/354 European Air Traffic Management Network (EATMN); Phase 1: Inventory of European specification work in progress –ETSI TR Phase 2: Work Programme ETSI Technical Report on CS Production (STF 327) –ETSI TR Report providing guidance for the production of Community Specifications for application under the Single European Sky Interoperability Regulation EC 552/2004

19 Current CS Mandates ESO Mandates –M/390 Software Assurance Level (CENELEC) Airport Collaborative Decision Making (ETSI) Advance Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (ETSI) Interoperability of Flight Data Processing (CENELEC) –M/408 Ground Based Augmentation System (ETSI) Approach with Vertical Guidance (CENELEC) Eurocontrol CSs –Initial Flight Plan –Air Traffic Services Data Exchange Presentation –On-line Data Interchange –Air Traffic Service Message Handling System –Flight Message Transfer Protocol –Flexible Use of Airspace