Indicating Destination with the Particle ni Some Time Expressions Some Frequency Adverbs Indicating Direction with the Particle e Making a Suggestion with masen ka Fun Places to Go Japanese 1100-L09b Class Session 9b Chapter 6
Japanese 1100-L09b The particle ni used to mark the location of existence when used with existential verbs (e.g., arimasu and imasu) The particle ni is also used to mark the destination when used with a verb of coming and going Examples: watashi wa nyūyōku ni ikimasu I will go to New York. tomodachi ga nyūyōku ni kimasu My friend will come to New York. watashi wa uchi ni kaerimasu. I will go home. Indicating Destination with the Particle ni
Japanese 1100-L09b Some Time Expressions These words specify the time of action in the future kyōtoday konbantonight ashitatomorrow asattethe day after tomorrow konshuuthis week raishuunext week raigetsunext month rainnennext year shūmatsuweekend Examples: kyō, kurasu ni ikimasu.I will go to class today. raishū wa kurasu ni ikimasen.I will not go to class next week.
Japanese 1100-L09b Some frequency adverbs useful for describing daily activities including coming and going: yokuoften, frequentlyamari (...nai)(not...) often itsumoalwayszenzen (...nai)(not...) at all taiteiusually tokidokisometimes mainichievery day maishuuevery week maitsuki (maigetsu)every month maitoshi (mainen)every year amari and zenzen must be used with a verb in the negative form: ani wa amari byooin ni ikimasen. My older brother does not go to the hospital very often. ane wa zenzen ginkoo ni ikimasen. My older sister never goes to the bank Some Frequency Adverbs
Japanese 1100-L09b Indicating Direction with the Particle e (p102) For verbs of coming and going two particles may be used to mark destination The particle e is used to mean “in the direction of” The particle ni is used to mean a definite destination The two particles can be used interchangeably to mark destination The particle e can only be used with verbs of motion (i.e., it is never used to mark location of existence) Examples: watashi wa tōkyō ni ikimasu. I am going to Tokyo. watashi wa gakkō e ikimasu.I am going to (towards) school.
Japanese 1100-L09b Making a Suggestion with masen ka (p104) A negative question can be used to make a suggestion : Examples: resutoran ni ikimasen ka. Won’t you go to a restaurant? Why don’t we go to a restaurant? uchi ni kimasen ka. Won’t you come to (my) house? biiru o sukoshi nomimasen ka Won’t you have (drink) some beer?
Japanese 1100-L09b Fun Places to Go Some destinations: eigakanmovie theater bijutsukanart museum kōenpark dōbutsuenzoo yūenchiamusement park; theme park depātodepartment store resutoranrestaurant hon’yabookstore