By Andrew J
Flag Flag The union of the flag a large blue triangle is populated with 13 white stars. The stars are the 13 colonies. The other four stars are combined with the others to make 17. Ohio is the seventeenth state to join the region.
The Cardinal was approved by the general assembly and adopted as the official state bird of Ohio on March 2,1933 90% of its diet is weed seeds, insects, fruit and sunflower seeds.
Cleveland Metro Park Zoo Cleveland Metro Park ZooCleveland Metro Park ZooCleveland Metro Park Zoo New Ray & Shark touch exhibit. Learn about the animals and make the most of your touch experience. The zoo celebrates two new koala cubs. Also the little spider tortoises ( about the size of a quarter) just hatched on St. Patrick's Day 4/17/08. If you like movies check out the zoos zoo tube.
To the right a stealth bomber rest in a blue eerie light in the cold war gallery. To the bottom right is a B-24 (lady Be Good). It disappeared in 1943 during a mission over Italy and wasn’t found until 16 years later. Price: free just prepare to walk.
Interesting facts Neal Armstrong was born in Ohio. Neal Armstrong was born in Ohio. In 1951 deejay Alan Fred fist used the words rock in roll. In 1951 deejay Alan Fred fist used the words rock in roll. Johnny Apple seed planted apple trees around fountain square. Johnny Apple seed planted apple trees around fountain square.