Vocabulary Words CSI Day 10 The Coral Reef
Coral reef A coral reef is a community of living organisms. It is made up of plants, fish, and many other creatures. Coral reefs are some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. They are home to about 25% of all marine life!
coral Corals are sea animals that stay in one place throughout their adult lives. Some types produce a skeleton, also called coral, that remains in place after they die. Corals can be very colorful underwater, but most types fade when they die or are removed from the water. Corals belong to the same animal group as sea anemones.sea anemones
tentacles one of the long, flexible arms of an animal (such as an octopus) that are used for grabbing things and moving
danger the possibility that you will be hurt or killed : the possibility that something unpleasant or bad will happen : a person or thing that is likely to cause injury, pain, harm, or loss
scary : causing fright : alarming : easily scared : timid : feeling alarm or fright : frightened
amazing : causing great surprise or wonder : causing amazemen
photograph : a picture or likeness obtained by photography
animals : a living thing that is not a human being or plant : any living thing that is not a plant : a person who behaves in a wild, aggressive, or unpleasant way
sea weed : a type of plant that grows in the sea